Chapter 127; HOW TIME FLIES

"No Alpha, I've been working towards it but haven't really gotten anything yet." He lied so smoothly that Alpha Aston didn't even notice.

"Be fast in all I told you to find out" he groaned and just then Farrah walked out and closed the door then closed back the curtain.

She walked to them and slightly bowed to Alpha Aston. "She will be fine soon." She whispered having a slight smile on her face.

He nodded. "You both can leave now. But Chad stay close in case I need you."

Chad nodded and they walked out shutting the door gently.

They were just inches away from the door when he started bombarding Farrah with questions. "Who is she? Is she who I think it is? Does she have any mark on her? Is there anything you found out about her?"

"Take it easy with the questions Chad. Do I have three mouths? And please calm down let's get to the kitchen first."

He smacked his head a little then made a zipping sign on his lips and threw the key away.