Chapter 137; YOU ARE EVIL!

"I was almost close to her Alpha King. I was."

"And then what! What fucking happened?"

"She shifted into her wolf form and you know how fast her wolf can be. Before I could shift and chase after her she was out of sight. I tried all I could to locate her but she was nowhere to be found. I just had to come back."

"What about her scent? Couldn't you have at least followed her scent? Or you want to tell me that you couldn't too?" He asked the sarcasm in his voice so mixed with anger and obvious for Chad to see and feel.

"There were so many scents out there Alpha King. I'm not close to Tabitha so to detect the scent that was hers was hard to do. But in all, I have no excuse for my failure. I'm sorry."

"Violet has been kidnapped by the Beta wildlife wolves." He smacked his forehead.

"What?" Chad gaped at him. "But how? They don't Violet so how could they do it and why?"

"You are not so dumb Chad. Read meaning into everything. Think! Think!" He cursed and tousled his hair.