Chapter 74; HOT TEARS

Chad's face reddened as he saw how a vampire held a werewolf and suckled on him. He couldn't hold it anymore and was about to jump into the fight but Alpha Aston held him back.

"You can never win against your enemies when you don't have a plan, always remember that." Alpha Aston mumbled.

"Okay Alpha, so what's the plan?" He asked hastily.

"We have to know their numbers before we plan on how to take them out" Alpha Aston pointed out and Chad nodded in agreement.

They both searched through the bushes and got to find out that the vampires are seven in number.

"Now Chad you will take down the two of them in the front and save those werewolves before they get to them again" Alpha Aston muttered pointing at the vampires.

"Okay, I will do just that." Chad nodded.

"And also be careful, vampires are fast so don't let them outsmart you and infect you with their blood."