Chapter 154; WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

It took them just a few minutes to get to the train station and in no time they are already in front of her parent's house.

She knocked softly and the door got opened immediately by little Lyndon.

"Mum!" He wailed out and rushed into her arms. She jerked him up and swiveled him around.

"My baby! My big boy!" She tickled him and he laughed out wiggling at her tickles.

She took her time to check him out even as she was tickling him and found out that he has added more than the last time.

He has added weight. Has increased in height. Looks big and cuter.

"I missed you, mum. I thought you'd forgotten about me."

She also noticed how fluently he spoke. A lot has indeed changed in him. Who knows if he has a girlfriend now? He wouldn't, would he?

"What are you thinking mum! Eww! I don't have a girlfriend yet!" He exclaimed looking into her face.

Her eyes dilated and she just couldn't believe it. "You read thoughts now?"