Chapter 20; THE MALE


Farrah led Violet to her chambers without asking her any questions. She sat Violet down gently on her bed and walked out without still saying anything. Violet on her part was still sobbing. Her eyes were so red and swollen. And her cheeks had thick lines of her tears on them. She blew in hiccups coughing out loudly and shuddered. Cursing incoherently she laid down on the bed and allowed the wrapper to drop not even caring about her nakedness.

'You're nothing but a whore who goes about throwing her body to any male she sees' the words of Alpha Aston kept hitting on her. She held her forehead groaning in pain as a jabbing headache began hitting on her. "I'm not a whore" she soliloquizes sobbing.

'You don't even have an atom of self-restraint' his second words flowed in and she began shaking on the bed. "I do. I do" she babbled in tears replying to every word he said to her.