Violet ignoring Alpha Aston's wail sat beside him and he kept insisting that he didn't need her, and asked her to go.

"Alpha, I know there is something wrong. Please you can talk to me about it," she whispered.

"Just leave. I don't want to talk to you, just go away, I came here to be alone!" He roared.

Violet felt like letting him be but seeing how hurt he was she knew he needed someone around him right now.

"Alpha no matter what, I won't leave you all alone," she muttered and touched his face softly.

He released the tears he had been holding and they all came down his cheeks. Violet wiped them off and made him rest on her shoulder.

"Alpha, what's really wrong? Please tell me."

"It actually really hurts to see all those you love leave you. They didn't only leave, they left you so shattered that you wouldn't even be able to pick up the pieces." He sighed and lowered his head.

"Ahh, so sorry about that" she patted his back softly.

"It's ok."