I ran as fast as my legs could carry me in tears. I feel so sad and broken. My dreams of knowing why I feel so hot around him keep shattering each time I meet up with him cause my presence irritates him. But what did I ever do to him? Why is he being so hard on me? What does he think of me? Is it bad to admire a great Alpha and kinda want to always be there for him? Why does he keep hurting me with his words? The words that he speaks to others are sweet. Why is mine different? Where did I ever go wrong?

Breathing heavily and not watching where I was going I stumbled upon a rock and landed roughly on the ground. The last time I broke an ankle wasn't really good for me. I limped for days until I got it treated and it also took days before it could permanently heal. And now this.

Groaning in pain, I stood up, dusted my top and skirt then continued my journey. Limping isn't something I like. Who does anyway? But that is all I could do cause I have no other option.