Chapter 50; DANGER

Little Lyndon held his fish so tightly and went over to his lavatory, he picked the pitcher inside the lavatory, poured water, and put his fish there.

Violet stood behind him watching him.

"To my good and listening fwend. I never wished for you to leave me so soon, I wished for us to gwow together but things have to be the way it is. I want you to know I love you and I will never forget about you. Rest well." He said recalling a line he memorized from a film he watched.

"Sorry for the lost son," Violet mumbled and he rolled his eye at her.

"I'll surely meet it again." He replied.

He makes a silent prayer wishing his fish can come back to him again. Immediately he opened his eyes and was about to dispose of his little fish it started wagging its tail. His eyes widened and he screamed out in joy. Violet moved closer to him.

"Mum, my fish is alive!" He screamed.