"It's not too late, oh no. It's too late to have your life now." Chad who had turned to his human form immediately he got to them said right before changing back to his wolf form.

The Beta leader quickly grabbed the silver chain and tried hitting it on Chad but kept on missing his target.

Chad ran up to him all of a sudden and cut his throat off with his claw.

"I don't think this is their leader." He muttered after howling in victory and changing to his human form.

"Yes, they are all working for someone if not from a different enemy." Alpha Aston sighed.

He lose the chain around Farrah who was already unconscious. Chad carried her down and checked her pulse.

"She is still breathing." He muttered.

"Call the pack doctor. Take her home. I will be fine." Alpha Aston groaned.

"No, I won't leave you here like this," chad asserted.

"You need to hurry, I won't forgive myself if anything happens to Farrah!" He growled.