Chapter 61; NO ONE


I am preparing very early this morning to leave with my son to Alpha Aston's castle.

I can't possibly go with him to the castle, I have been hiding him from Alpha Aston for the past three years, if I go with him now, it will call for questions and suspicions I thought.

"Mummy I'm ready" little Lyndon walked up to me with smiles on his face and his backpack on his back.

"Baby, I think you should go to school today." I bent to his height as I said softly.

"But mum I thought you said we are moving to somewhere better today and you also said you were going to change my school?" He asked.

"Yes, baby. But something came up, somehow I don't feel safe taking you there immediately. I have to go there first and check out some things to ensure that it will be safe for you, before coming to take you there," I said trying to convince him.

"But mummy are you going to leave me here alone?" he asked as if he was going to tear up any moment.