Chapter 83; ATTENTION

He only saw a bag and a notepad on the floor and he was then convinced Violet was telling the truth. He actually felt sorry for not believing her but just didn't know how to apologize. He was just not used to apologizing to anyone no matter the offense. He slowly walked away.

Violet opened her eyes and walked over to the entrance, she stared at the open chambers and she couldn't see her son anywhere, only his bag and notepad. She checked if Alpha Aston was gone and when she was sure he was gone she shut her door and called out to her son. Little Lyndon came out from under the bed, where he hid.

"Lyndon, did he see you?"

"No mum I hid under the bed." He replied and Violet walked to him, bent to his height, and hugged him passionately

"Thank goodness you are safe" she whispered against his ears.

"Mummy, is he dangerous?" He asked after disengaging from the hug.

"Yes baby he is, That's why I have to look for a way to take you away from here as soon as possible," she answered.