Tabitha's face darkened and she rubbed her ears a bit to be sure that she heard well. No, Layla can't play with her. She definitely can't.

She stared at the maid and tousled her hair. "Are you sure you saw well? You might have probably seen another person and thought it was Violet. You just need to be sure you saw well. Or maybe you need glasses."

The maid frowned slightly at her. She is one who never loves to be insulted in any way no matter who it is. Being the chief maid she had control over so many things and a blind eye can't definitely be what she is. Yet, here is her so-called Princess indirectly calling her blind. "I don't know what's going on your Majesty, I don't know why you are so bent on her death but then it's not my business. I did see well and if you think I didn't then you can go check for yourself. I'm sorry if I'm saucy but that's exactly what you needed. I'll take my leave now." She walked away leaving widened eyes Tabitha to gape at her.