Chapter 70; BE MY SEX MATE

I turned towards the direction of the door and saw Farrah holding our food in her hand. She looked so stunned to see little Lyndon.

"Who is this cute baby?" she walked in staring lovingly at him.

I understood from her look on him that she just figured out who his father is.

Little Lyndon looks so much like his father and I'm not surprised she could figure that out so easily.

I could also understand the load of questions going through her mind right now and I'm ready to answer all. I just hope she helps me keep my little secret.

"H..e is my son," I stuttered.

"What? You have had such a cute baby all this while, and yet you hid him from me? Wait! Is he really my Aston's son?" She asked rubbing her hand on little Lyndon's hair.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you all this while Farrah, I just don't want to put him in danger, I know you are not a bad person but I'm just scared and that's why you are just finding out now. I'm deeply sorry.