She chuckled and poked my nose once more. "You have to calm down dear. Breathe in and breathe out. It will calm your nerves. Let's go. Breathe in..." I did as she said. "Now, breathe out." I did. "Should we do it again?"

I nodded and she giggled like a teen making me roll my eyes at her. I'm feeling so much better right now. She's just so nice and friendly.

"Come on girl, breath in..." I smiled and did. "Out."

"Thanks, ma'am." That little act of inhaling and exhaling just made me feel a lot better than I've ever been. It was just like doing something for the first time. That first-time feeling always has a way of feeling great. We were still standing while staring at each other with smiles on our faces when the huge guard who led me to Alpha Aston chambers walked in. His eyes bulged out when he saw me and he began staring around as if in search of something.