I woke up at noon. I'm not to be blamed for waking up late yunno cause I slept off by two am though I didn't check the time. But if you add the so much time I spent talking with Farrah even after she told me that it was midnight and the time I used in walking home then you will agree with me that I indeed slept off by two. Rubbing my eyes I sat up on my bed and made a short prayer to whoever stayed above before climbing down from my bed. Rumor often says that people look for what to serve once they start getting into so many troubles. I guess they were referring to me cause that's just what I'm doing now. Every little sound that chimes now leaves me quivering. To the extent that I'm thinking about starting to lock my windows now cause even the quaking sounds of the windows scares the hell out of me. Gosh! I can't even leave my life in peace and relaxation anymore.