They disengaged instantly at the words of the guard and Violet glanced at him. "Tell him I'll be with him shortly. I need..."

"Don't worry about that Violet. Just go and do well to have fun." Farrah cut her off.

Violet smiled and blew her a kiss then turned back to the guard. "Where is he?"

"Somewhere he asked me not to reveal to you I'm sorry."

Violet's face stretched into a frown at his reply and she placed her hands on her waist standing at akimbo. "Are you telling me where he is or should I go back to what I was about to do?"

"But he told me not to tell y..."

"Are you telling me or I should..." She cut him off already glaring at him.

"He is in the Pack training ground. Asked me to bring you there."

She glanced at Farrah and Farrah bobbed. "Go." She whispered.

"Ok, let's go." She walked off with him.