"You say it as if it's excessively easy. If it's so easy then why didn't you do it yourself?" Blake rolled his eyes at Mr. Pearson who is also glaring at him. "You think I can just go into a Pack full of Werewolves and come out alive." He added and chuckled. "Most senseless thing I've ever heard in my life sorry to say."

Mr. Pearson jerked up instantly at his last words and without a second thought gave him a deafening slap. "You will talk to me with utmost respect!" He roared.

Blake held his cheek and licked the blood that is coming out of his lips due to the cut the slap gave him and even in his obvious pain chuckled. "That's all you can do Mr. Pearson, nothing else. You can still slap me more if you want but the fact remains that you don't talk with your brains. I don't even think how you could open your mouth and say that I should go to a Pack of werewolves. A vampire amid werewolves and you think it will be a sweet encounter?"