Violet's eyes dilated at the sight of the men before her and she moved backward.

She tried to ignore them and take another route but they also got in her front and grinned at her daring her to come on if she can.

She tried to discern if she can recall any of their faces by staring at them one by one but couldn't recognize any.

She didn't know why she felt they were not after her body but she just had this thought that if they were they would have been trying to tear her clothes by now or the least lick their lips like previous people always do but all they did is just grin at her.

"Who are you all and what do you guys want?" She curled her brows at them and for the first time in four years remembered her mother's teachings of never to be afraid of an enemy.

She also felt a kinda nothing can happen to me thoughts fill her mind, heart, and soul.