Giovanni's POV

After having dinner Enzo and I are going to oversee the exchange with men from Mexico,I open the hidden room in the study were we keep all our weapons. It's good that I don't allow Lucas to snoop around when I'm not here otherwise that kid would have already found it and caused trouble, Nithia will never forgive me if something happened to her brothers,she already hates me ,I don't want to add more reasons to why she should kill me.

I can't wait to see her and deal with the son of a bitch that dared to lay a hand on my woman.

I'm meeting a Capo from the Saint cartel,but he's been talking to people he shouldn't and I have a surprise waiting for him. In exchange for amnesty he wants to betray me.

" It's been so long you and I went to a shoot out",Enzo says.

" Let's fill them with lead",I say and and wear the bullet proof vests written DEA,they won't see this coming. We meet with the other men to have a brief discussion and drove out.