Treasure Gold Cloud Sand (2)

However, if one looked carefully, they would discover a cave in the corner of the mountain wall, but the opening was covered by fallen tree vines and was easily missed.

"The source of the spiritual essence is inside!" Ai pointed at the cave and said.

Lin Shen nodded and walked a few steps quickly. After thinking for a while, he stopped and took out a Guiding Talisman. He pointed it in the direction of the cave and shook it hard.

The talisman ignited on its own!

The name of the Guiding Talisman contained the word "guiding", but it wasn't used to guide the way. Instead, it was used to distinguish the dangerous aura of evil spirits or demons in the surrounding area so that people could avoid it in time.

As the talisman burned, a strange fluctuation instantly swept out. With Lin Shen as the center, it spread to a radius of 100 meters, transmitting all the aura fluctuations into Lin Shen's mind.

There was no reaction!