Fastest Promotion in History (1)


In the training room, there were the sounds of clothes fluttering in the air.

Lin Shen moved continuously. While he was as fast as a dragon swimming in the sky, he also carried an ethereal aura. It was very beautiful.

When his speed reached its peak, an illusory shadow of a dragon appeared around Lin Shen. His speed suddenly soared, and even his figure became blurry as if he was in a cloud.

After a long time, Lin Shen stopped and was amazed.

"The speed of the Path-stage Cloud Dragon Rhythm is indeed astonishing. It's not something Shadows can compare to!"

After returning to Dragonside City from the Dragon Abyss Mountain Range, Lin Shen was completely immersed in martial arts cultivation.

Apart from going back to the villa once to check on Ai and leaving a pile of canned cat food, he almost never left the house.

Under such circumstances, his cultivation and strength have advanced by leaps and bounds.

[Name: Lin Shen]