Clever Escape (2)

Lin Shen cursed silently, but he didn't have time to think too much about it. He lowered his head and hurried on.

The black-robed man was much faster than the clone. If he relaxed a little, he would be left far behind.

Along the way, Lin Shen tried his best to keep the distance between himself and his clone within 1,500 meters so that he could reduce his consumption. At the same time, he ate the pills without any hesitation.

Even so, the spiritual essence in his body was still decreasing at a slow but firm speed.

Ten minutes later, just as Lin Shen's spiritual essence was about to run out, the clone finally stopped moving.

Seeing this, Lin Shen secretly heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly increased his speed. He finally managed to close the distance to a zero consumption distance of 1,000 meters before his spiritual essence was exhausted.