The Time Has Come (3)

In fact, he even hoped that the Blood Sea Sect would send more pursuers over.

In any case, with Lin Shen around, no matter how many pursuers there were, they would only be sending themselves to their deaths.

The more pursuers Lin Shen could kill, the less resistance they would face when they challenged the array.

The group was less than 15km away from the eye of the spirit cave.

They moved as fast as they could, and it only took them less than two hours to get there.

When they were a couple of kilometers away from the eye of the cave, everyone stopped in unison.

Even from a distance, they could feel the soaring cold aura in the air. They could even vaguely see that the sky above the large area of the cave was covered in a layer of gray.

"Nether Corpse Smoke Array…" A disciple couldn't help but swallow.

Xie Jingsheng's expression was solemn as he said in a deep voice, "Let's wait here!"

Everyone nodded.