Fiery Passion


Lin Shu was lying on his bed and crying in pain. No one could understand how he was feeling right now. The feeling of getting something and losing it instantly was simply too unbearable.

It was like you were told to get a sum of money for the new year, but before you could get it, your parents took it away and said they would give it to you when you grew up…

Same as winning a huge lottery ticket, but it was not the right time to redeem the prize yet…

'To hell with your suitable time! F*ck with level limitation! I'm missing a lottery ticket and countless lottery agencies.' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu didn't care about how hurt he felt. He clutched his chest and struggled to get up. He wanted to gain more Exp. Points, level up and make a wish to become rich. He wanted to become the wealthiest man.

'That's my money. Urgh… My heart ached! I can't think about it! Just thinking about it made my heart ache.' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu lay down on the bed again. He needed to rest longer, and he would be better soon.

'Better my ass! I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and kicked off my blanket angrily!' Lin Shu thought.

And then—

Lin Shu tossed and turned in pain and sadness, kicking his feet from time to time.

"Even I've been workin' man, dang near all my life, but I'll keep workin'.

"As long as my two hands are fit to use."

The musical alarm rang, trying to wake up the sleeping worker. But Lin Shu could never be woken up at once. After about two minutes, there was another alarm clock soul-urging song, and then another two minutes…

Lin Shu yawned, rubbed his eyes, and wiped away the remaining tears at the corner of his eyes. His soul left his body as he got up, and then he got ready to work.

In a daze, Lin Shu remembered that he had lost his chance to be the wealthiest man yesterday. It wasn't a dream but a loss engraved in his heart.

With a thought, Lin Shu's virtual panel appeared in front of him again.

Lin Shu immediately saw the shining and resplendent Wishing Talisman. The light was so bright that it hurt his eyes.

'Urgh... I can't look! My heart ached at the sight of it!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu brushed his teeth and closed the virtual panel, no longer looking at the talisman that stifled his heart. However, he was very clear in his heart that if he couldn't use this Wishing Talisman because his level wasn't high enough, he would have to work hard to level up!

'I'll level up as fast as I can! I can do this!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu washed his face with water and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He said with a serious face, "Aladdin's magic lamp is right in front of you, illuminating your path!"

Lin Shu went to the company's cafeteria to have breakfast and left for work at 7:54 a.m.


Congratulations! You have punctually logged in for work. You gained 14 Exp. Points and two Gold Coins.

'Farm more Exp. Points and level up quickly!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu walked into the office in high spirits and started to work. He was now very clear that gaining experience was about working, studying, and, most importantly, killing monsters.

'Killing monsters gave the most Exp. Points!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu glanced at the office, but it was a pity that most of them were harmless Slackers.

'Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's not worth it!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu stopped thinking about it and focused on his work. That was a good way for him to gain more Exp. Points. Although it wasn't as much killing monsters, he could only work as fast as possible.

Although Lin Shu wasn't under the effects of the Passion Fruit, his current efficiency was still very high. He didn't stop working at all and was pretty happy with his work.

That was because Lin Shu could hear the system's congratulatory notification from time to time.


Congratulations! You have completed reviewing a large component group and successfully reviewed three structural designs that can be optimized. You gained 59 Exp. Points and 2.10 Gold Coins.


Congratulations! You have completed one reworked plan. You gained 43 Exp. Points and six Gold Coins.


Congratulations! You have completed reviewing one technical agreement and found ten errors. You gained 63 Exp. Points and nine Gold Coins.


Time passed by unknowingly.

"Lin Shu, let's go. We have a meeting," said Huang Wen.

While preparing a presentation slide on improving the quality control project, Lin Shu smiled. Next to Lin Shu, Huang Wen patted him on the shoulder and brought him back to his senses.

"A meeting? What meeting?" Lin Shu asked.

"Cost-saving meeting," said Huang Wen.

Lin Shu was a little unhappy that he had been interrupted. He really didn't have the energy to complain about these meetings that would pop up from time to time. It was so annoying and draggy.

Lin Shu took a pen and notebook and followed Huang Wen to the meeting room. There were a few people beside him.

Zhao Xuan said, "Lin Shu, there's a work order I'd like to pass on to you."

"I know. I've already sent you the reworked plan," said Lin Shu.

Zhao Xuan was a little surprised. He had just sent that to Lin Shu last night, and Lin Shu had already finished it quickly.

"Also, the designers are urging us to review the new product's craftsmanship," said Zhao Xuan.

"I've already replied to the designer, Luo Gong. I told him that three areas needed to be changed. He agreed to two of them but hasn't agreed to the last one yet. However, we've been trying to produce the same type of product before. The structural design and welding deformation are too large, so it's not easy to control." said Lin Shu.

Zhao Xuan nodded.

Huang Wen looked at the conversation between Lin Shu and Zhao Xuan with a hint of admiration.

Yesterday, he witnessed Lin Shu reject Zhao Xuan's task arrangement. Lin Shu wasn't afraid at all and was rather direct and didn't leave any room for retreat.

Zhao Xuan didn't say anything and walked forward.

In the meeting room, Tian Cheng discussed the cost-saving projects and funding. Lin Shu also had a cost-saving project, but it was not his project yet.

The small conference room has become the habitat of the Slackers.

A large group of Slackers was madly using their skills to loaf around.

Lin Shu knew that most people were using their phones with their heads down. Lin Shu did the same, but it was meaningless to torture people like this. At that time, the meeting was a waste of time.

Lin Shu had no choice. After listening to the other project plans for a while, he turned on his phone and prepared to loaf on his job!

But the opposite.

Lin Shu felt that it was better to study at this time.

'How could studying during working hours be slacking? it could only be called loafing on the job.' Lin Shu thought.

Huang Wen was sitting next to Lin Shu, scrolling through his moments in boredom. When Huang Wen glanced at Lin Shu's phone screen, he was shocked, and his eyes widened.

'What the heck?' Huang Wen thought.

"Chebyshev's inequality for any random variable X, if both EX and DX exist, then for any ε > 0, there is a constant P{|X-EX|>=ε}<=DX/ε^2 or P{|X-EX|<ε}>=1-DX/ε^2 ... "

Huang Wen looked at the series of numbers and thought, 'Is that… Advanced Mathematics?'

Huang Wen looked at Lin Shu in shock. He didn't expect Lin Shu to be slacking off and reading Advanced Mathematics during a meeting at work. That was terrifying. Truly terrifying!

'How could this soulless slacking be called slacking?' Huang Wen thought.

Huang Wen was sharing this shocking news with his internet friends on WeChat.

Lin Shu noticed Huang Wen's gaze, but he didn't show any expression. It was obvious that he didn't gain any Exp. Points by slacking off like that.

'Wouldn't studying during working hours increase my Exp. Points?' Lin Shu suddenly had that thought.

The system seemed very strict with certain things and had clear boundaries.

Lin Shu naturally hoped he could quickly gain more experience and level up, but the system didn't respond. He couldn't do anything about it, so he looked at the questions of the Advanced Mathematics past exam. After a long wait, it was time for his project presentation.

Very quickly, Lin Shu explained his project plan clearly.

After that, the long and tedious meeting continued to dance in the wind…

Lin Shu continued to read the analysis of the Advanced Mathematics questions, and the meeting ended before he knew it.

The Slackers left one after another.

The one in the lead was the Level 20 Slacker King, who was discussing his cost-saving project plan with Tian Cheng.

"Lin Shu, were you reading Advanced Mathematics just now?" Huang Wen asked.

Lin Shu didn't want to talk too much about it, so he said, "I just saw it."

'You didn't just see it casually. You've been reading it all along!' Huang Wen thought.

However, when Huang Wen heard Lin Shu's words, he knew Lin Shu didn't want to say much. He changed the topic and asked, "Lin Shu, can you teach me how to make the modification order?"


A quest from NPC Huang Wen!

Guide Huang Wen in making the rework order. 


1. +10 Friendship Points with Huang Wen.

2. +580 Exp. Points.

3. +58 Gold Coins.

Lin Shu was shocked and looked at Huang Wen with joy. He pulled Huang Wen and walked forward, saying, "Let's go. I'll teach you now."

Huang Wen was shocked by Lin Shu's sudden enthusiasm, but he didn't think much of it. He went to his desk with Lin Shu and began to ask him to teach him how to make the modification order.

"That's it, and it's done. It's straightforward!" said Lin Shu.

"Thank you, Lin Shu," said Huang Wen.

Lin Shu looked at the Exp. Points he gained and smiled, "It's a small matter."

"Is there anything you don't understand? You can ask them all." Lin Shu added.

Hearing Lin Shu's words, Huang Wen immediately asked how the cost of production would be calculated.

"That is even simpler," said Lin Shu.


Congratulations! You have completed the request by NPC Huang Wen.

You gained five Friendship points with Huang Wen, 580 Exp. Points and 58 Gold Coins.


Congratulations! You have repeatedly completed the request by NPC Huang Wen.

You gained one Friendship point with Huang Wen, 579 Exp. Points and 48 Gold Coins.


Congratulations! You have frenziedly completed the request by NPC Huang Wen. 

You gained 0.01 Friendship points with Huang Wen, 680 Exp. Points and 48 Gold Coins.


Congratulations! You have completed the request by NPC Huang Wen with extreme determination.

You gained 0.0000001 Friendship points with Huang Wen, 490 Exp. Points and 47 Gold Coins.


Huang Wen opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Lin Shu looked at Huang Wen with dazzling eyes and asked, "Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Hurry up! Hurry up and issue the request!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu was very excited. The Exp. Points he gained from helping NPC were even more. He thought, 'I have been farming for almost an hour. No, I mean teaching him for an hour. It felt so good!

'This was as good as killing monsters infinitely!

'The newbie is so cute!' Lin Shu thought.

Huang Wen didn't expect Lin Shu to be so passionate.

Lin Shu's gaze was so passionate that it made Huang Wen shiver.

'With such close and passionate guidance, could Lin Shu have other bad intentions about me?' Huang Wen thought.