I Am a Monster

Memory Potion: After use, it can improve one's memory and concentration. As time passes, the memory effect will weaken. It helps one to turn any information into long-term memory within an hour. 

Price: 6666666 Gold Coins

'That's too expensive!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu looked at the series of sixes and sighed. However…

'Turn any information into long-term memory within an hour? The heck! You've got to be kidding me!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu instantly realized what this bottle of Memory Potion meant to him. His eyes fell on the Advanced Mathematics textbook in front of him and the thick stack of books beside it, Introduction to Basic Principles of Marxism, The Theoretical System of Socialism, Essentials of Modern and Contemporary History, Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law, Situation and Policy, Contemporary World Economy and Politics

'It must be a divine potion. Now this is what I call a good reward. A divine item!

'The Wishing Talisman was… Well, it was also a divine item, but my level is still insufficient to use it.' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu was very excited. Looking at the bottle of potion, he felt that the side quest was probably just a normal side quest.

'Was it even possible for me to get into a better university? Like Huaqing University or Yanjing University?' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu shook his head and felt that he was being a little too arrogant. The Memory Potion was more useful for memorizing knowledge. As for subjects like mathematics, it was more for calculation and logic.

However, this bottle of Memory Potion was also essential to him. He really needed to use it properly.

Lin Shu pondered for a moment and decided to prepare the books that he had to memorize and then turn off his phone. Since he only had one hour, he had to fully use this one hour.

'Time was of the essence, and I couldn't afford to waste a single second.' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu felt that he had to allocate this hour well. He looked at the strategic outline of the postgraduate entrance examination and the content structure of a few books to determine how to memorize it. 22% allocated to Introduction to Basic Principles of Marxism and 30% to The Theoretical System of Socialism. These two were the most important, and they were 300 pages each. Other than memorizing these two books, there was another very important subject, which was English.

Lin Shu had also prepared another book, which was the Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary.

Lin Shu actually had to memorize an English dictionary. Just thinking of that made him feel scared and trembling!

That was something Lin Shu didn't even dare to think about in the past!

Most importantly, Lin Shu didn't know how effective the Memory Potion would be.

Lin Shu felt that he needed to adjust the order of the books according to the Memory Potion's effect and memory time and learn to give up some of the smaller ones.

Once everything was ready, Lin Shu used the Memory Potion with a thought.

It was a bizarre and unique feeling. Lin Shu read through the book very quickly, and it was ten lines at a glance. However, he could feel that the content was in his mind, and he had a complete photographic memory.

The key was that Lin Shu's heart was still very calm. He flipped the pages quickly and repeatedly…

Then Lin Shu would switch to the next one, and then the next one…

Lin Shu had never thought there would be a genius who could read ten lines at a glance and had a photographic memory. Such a person was not a genius but a monster.

Lin Shu felt as if he had become a monster.

"The basic problem of philosophy is the problem of the relationship between thought and existence, that is, the problem of the relationship between consciousness and matter. It consists of two aspects: one is the question of the origin of thought and existence, and the other is the question of whether there is identity between thought and existence…"

"The first reason for the new changes in contemporary capitalism is the scientific and technological revolution and the development of the productive forces, which are the fundamental driving force of capitalist change. The second is the role of the struggle of the working class for its rights and interests…"

All this information and knowledge were imprinted into Lin Shu's mind.

Lin Shu does not know precisely how long it takes to finish reading a book, but he now has a clear idea that it takes only a short time to finish a book.

Of course, the book that took the longest to read was the Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary. If someone asked how many pages this Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary had, Lin Shu could accurately answer that it had 2,512 pages.

Lin Shu didn't finish scanning the book and kept flipping through it. It really tested his hand speed and endurance.

"I've finally finished reading!" Lin Shu exclaimed.

It should be flipped through the books.


Congratulations! You have studied seriously for an hour. You gained 1,845 Exp. Points and 206 Gold Coins.

Lin Shu didn't even notice the Exp. Points he gained from studying. He was currently in a state of extreme excitement. The kind of excitement which made him extremely excited. He rubbed his wrist while recalling the words he had just memorized.

The more Lin Shu thought about it, the scarier he felt. He really felt that he was a monster.

It was truly terrifying! 

Lin Shu couldn't believe that such terrifying existences exist in this world!

Lin Shu couldn't memorize the entire Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary. Although Lin Shu clearly felt that the Memory Potion's effect was not as good as it was at the beginning, he needed to read it carefully to remember it.

In Lin Shu's opinion, there were 6,000 vocabulary words for the postgraduate entrance examination, which was not much more than the College English Test. Moreover, the vocabulary only needed to be memorized and not analyzed, which meant that one only needed to read and understand the meaning. As for correct grammar, it could be mastered with a bit of practice later.

What terrified Lin Shu was the vocabulary volume!

There were about 80,000 words in it. Although the words Lin Shu remembered later could not be permanent, at least he could remember them well now. If not 80,000, there were at least 60,000.

It was truly terrifying!

Lin Shu lay on the bed and rubbed his wrist. He closed his eyes and thought about the knowledge that he had just memorized. As long as he thought about it, he could understand it clearly. To Lin Shu, that feeling was simply too great!

At first, Lin Shu was worried that there would not be enough time to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. In that case, he would need to focus on reviewing Advanced Mathematics and some other professional courses.

Lin Shu looked at his virtual panel. The Memory Potion was no longer there. He thought, 'A potion that could allow me to permanently remember one hour's worth of information. But it's too pricey!

'If I could buy another bottle. No, a few more bottles would be great.' 

Unfortunately, the Item Mall had yet to be unlocked. Even if Lin Shu had unlocked it, he could not afford it.

Lin Shu had no idea what other magical items were in the Item Mall.

'If I could use the Memory Potion as often as I did now, I would become a monster!' 

Thinking of that, Lin Shu grinned. His smile was like… A monster.