A New Chapter in Life Begins

All the colleagues in the office pricked up their ears to listen to the conversation between Lin Shu and Tian Cheng. The intense scene that they had been expecting did not appear, but the undercurrent was surging, and the exchanged words were also very exciting.

That kind of hidden confrontation was also quite wonderful.

Lin Shu's words made them even more excited.

It was obvious that even though Lin Shu was about to leave, he was still on their side.

Whether they liked Lin Shu or not, they were all working class in the same trench. No one could deny that Lin Shu was bravely saying no, fighting and protecting his own legal rights and interests.

Everyone's eyes followed Lin Shu's gaze, and their thoughts were a little complicated.

Huang Wen once again gave Lin Shu a thumbs up. He was now more and more impressed by this senior of his. He was very principled, and most importantly, he was also very kind, willing to help others, and brave in doing just things. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been praised on the company's intranet.

Lin Shu didn't care about the friction with the two superiors just now. He knew very well that he was going to leave after all, so there was no need to care about the friction.

Now that Lin Shu had taken eight days off, it meant that he could rest after half a month of work. He only needed to come to the company on the last day to exit.

Lin Shu's mood became very good. After all, he would be able to stop working soon.

"Lin Shu, are you really planning to rest for a while? What are you going to do after this?" Pessimist Qi Yuan asked in a dispirited tone.

Hearing Qi Yuan's words, Lin Shu's good mood was instantly dispersed.

'What is there to do next? Of course I would continue to farm more Exp. Points to level up!' Lin Shu thought.

Qi Yuan was about to say something when Huang Wen walked over.

"Lin Shu, I'm sorry to bother you. I just want to ask how to do the risk assessment for the tool," said Huang Wen.


A request from NPC Huang Wen! 

Guide Huang Wen in conducting the risk assessment for the tool. 

You will gain ten Friendship points with Huang Wen, 858 Exp. Points and 85 Gold Coins.

Lin Shu couldn't help but smile when he saw Huang Wen's request. He quickly got rid of Pessimist Qi Yuan's words and said, "No, you're not disturbing. Let's go to your desk. I'll tell you what to do."

Huang Wen didn't expect Lin Shu to be so friendly to him. He thought that Lin Shu was already very angry with him and didn't want to talk to him. He thought that he had spread the news that he had gone to the police station to take his statement. Otherwise, he wouldn't have agreed to the basketball invitation.

Qi Yuan looked at Lin Shu's serious explanation of the risk assessment to Huang Wen and felt a little strange. On the one hand, he was very determined to take leave and resign, not willing to give up on his leave for the company at all. He was very domineering, but on the other hand, he treated his work very seriously. These seemingly contradictory conflicts were reflected in Lin Shu now.

Qi Yuan couldn't understand what Lin Shu was thinking. Qi Yuan thought, 'Was it necessary to leave his job?'

Qi Yuan couldn't understand at all.

"The risk assessment is to identify the possible risks during the trial-production process and provide improvement measures. In fact, the main focus of the different products is to analyze the key elements and changes of the new products."

Lin Shu opened the report that he had sent to Huang Wen earlier. There was a complete set of information related to the tool in it. He said, "We'll mainly assess it based on the difficulties and key points in the production process in the product disclosure form.

"In addition, the risk assessment also requires a quantitative assessment. The identified risks need to be evaluated, such as Severity, Occurrence, Detection, and also the Risk Priority Number. The other is the risk level, which is generally low risk. This is because you have already reviewed the higher risks of the product during the new product design and process review stage. The structure with high risks naturally needs to be optimized and corrected.

"Also, pay attention to whether the key size has been completed…"

After hearing Lin Shu's explanation, Huang Wen couldn't help but nod.

When Huang Wen looked at the information Lin Shu had sent him about the products, he easily understood how to assess the risks that Lin Shu had mentioned.


Congratulations! You have completed the request by Huang Wen. You gained 858 Exp. Points and 85 Gold Coins.

"Lin Shu, thank you," said Huang Wen.

Lin Shu smiled and said, "You're welcome". As soon as he saw that he had obtained the Exp. Points. Then, he prepared to leave.

"Lin Shu, I have to tell you face to face. I really didn't spread the false rumors about you at the police station," Huang Wen said.

Lin Shu knew that Huang Wen wanted to give him a clear explanation. However, Lin Shu no longer cared about it. It did not matter if Huang Wen did not spread it. After all, those rumors had already been dispelled by him.

"I know, but don't mind it too much," said Lin Shu.

When Huang Wen heard Lin Shu's words, he was very happy. He really liked this senior Lin Shu, and he really hoped to be good friends with him so that he wouldn't be misunderstood.

"Also, Lin Shu, you're really amazing. I really admire you. Not only did you stand up for justice on the bus, but you also argued for justice in the company. What you said to Mr. Tian just now really makes sense. Congratulations, you can rest for the next half a month."

Lin Shu smiled and waved his hand.

He was indeed quite happy.

After all, he could rest half a month in advance.

Lin Shu waved his hand and returned to his desk to farm more Exp. Points.

Lin Shu didn't rest after he finished his work. Instead, he put on his Bluetooth headset and played an English song. He didn't have to worry about his vocabulary; all he needed to do now was to practice.

In addition to listening more, he also had to read more.

And then… It was time to get off work.

Lin Shu could go and buy a lottery ticket!

Lin Shu had already made up his mind yesterday. He still wanted to believe in the Eye of Prophecy. If the winning number really appeared and he did not buy it, he would definitely regret it.

Lin Shu didn't want to regret it after when he lost the chance.

The heavens would not give him another chance, and he did not obtain a divine item like the Moonlight Box.

It was better to be safe than sorry.

Although Lin Shu wasn't sure which issue he would win the lottery, Lin Shu had decided to buy lottery tickets for every issue starting today. He couldn't miss it. As for how many tickets he would buy, he would have to think about it again.

Of course, Lin Shu was also very clear that he couldn't just focus on winning the lottery. The more important thing was to farm Exp. Points, level-up, and clear side quests.

From today on, Lin Shu wanted to be a person who buys lottery tickets, works, study and buys lottery tickets.

He looked forward to the future and getting rich overnight.
