Good Luck Comes


'YES! YES! I hit the jackpot!' Lin Shu exclaimed in his heart.

Lin Shu knew very well that he had hit the jackpot. Of course, it was a pity that the number on the last blue ball was not the right one. It was not the number 14 that he had seen. However, he knew very well that the set of lottery numbers he had bought had also won the second prize!

Lin Shu's heart thumped in excitement.

He didn't think that he would really get it.

Although he had always been looking forward to this, he really didn't expect this day to come so soon. It was really unbelievable, and it felt so unreal.

Lin Shu excitedly took out the lottery ticket and repeatedly looked at the numbers and the results of the previous period's prizes published on the website. He repeatedly matched the numbers one by one.


It was true!

Lin Shu felt as if he was about to fly, spinning and jumping in the air. He couldn't help but feel excited and excited. This feeling was hard to describe.

Perhaps he could only experience it when he really won the grand prize.

It was too awesome!

Lin Shu didn't feel any regret… that was not possible.

However, even though one of the numbers didn't match up, and he didn't win the first prize, only the second prize, Lin Shu was still a little regretful. Still, at this moment, he was already overwhelmed by this intense surprise.

It was truly a huge impact, making him feel that it was unreal.

Lin Shu didn't expect that he would win the lottery so soon. He thought that it would take many years to buy this set of numbers, that he would never win it, or that he would give up after many years and forget about it. But he didn't expect it to come on the seventh day.

'Ah, thank you so much! Thank you, Gods and Deities. Thank you, system. Thank you, Eye of Prophecy. Thank you…' Lin Shu expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Shu told himself to be content, and those who were content would always be happy.

He just didn't know how much this issue's second prize was worth. He had bought five stakes. Generally, the total bonus of the second prize was 25% of the current high-level bonus. The single stake bonus was divided equally, and the maximum limit for a single stake was five million yuan.

For a moment, Lin Shu regretted that he had bought too little. He really regretted that he didn't continue to be generous. If he had bought a hundred times or two hundred times…

He really didn't dare to imagine that scene!

Lin Shu lay on his bed excitedly and looked at the lottery ticket in his hand. Although he couldn't say that he had gotten rich overnight, he was already very satisfied with this unexpected surprise.

Lin Shu wanted to share this good news with his parents immediately. He wanted to call his parents to tell them, but he restrained himself. He would tell his parents tomorrow when he saw how much money he had.

Lin Shu was already thinking about how to deal with this surprising amount of wealth. If there was enough money, he would give more to his parents so that they would not work too hard. He wanted them to be at ease and not worry that they would not be able to support their children in buying a house and getting married.

Lin Shu was very clear about that.

Lin Shu was so excited that he didn't sleep for the entire night.

Early the next morning, Lin Shu got up from his bed excitedly without the help of his alarm.

The first thing he did was to confirm if he really got rich overnight.

It wasn't a dream and it was real!

Even though Lin Shu didn't get rich immediately, he really hit the jackpot. Lin Shu was once again sure that he had really won the second prize.

Since it was still Thursday, Lin Shu directly texted Zhao Xuan, telling him that he had something to do and would take a day off. He needed to go to the lottery shop to redeem his prize.

The small prizes could be redeemed at the lottery station, but the big prizes required one to bring their ID card to the designated place on the back of the lottery ticket to complete the procedures and receive the prize. Lin Shu was very clear about this.

Because of that, Lin Shu directly called the lottery shop and asked for the documents required to receive the prize. This was to avoid the need for an original copy and the like. He didn't want to leave behind any proof that he was his own, which would cause him to go through a lot of trouble.

Of course, he also knew very well that he needed to keep a low profile.

Before leaving the house, Lin Shu even brought his ID card and bank card, as well as a mask and a hat. He was fully equipped to receive the prize.

Lin Shu didn't know how much he had won until he reached the lottery shop. The single stake for the second prize this time was ¥340,000, and Lin Shu won the five times stakes alone, which was 1.7 million yuan. Of course, taxes had to be paid. If the winning amount of a lottery ticket exceeded 10,000, a 20% incidental income tax would be paid.

'I've won more than 1.7 million yuan? So I still get 1.3 million yuan after tax?' Lin Shu wondered.

In fact, most of the staff at the lottery shop were already used to the appearance of such lucky people, not to mention that Lin Shu was only the second prize, not the first prize. Lin Shu showed his lottery ticket to the staff of the lottery shop, prepared to redeem the prize according to the procedure, and then put on the mask to take a photo.

The lottery shop here naturally knew that the winners were not willing to show their faces. They knew to keep a low profile and would do their best to keep it a secret. However, at the same time, they would also have interviews to ask some questions. Of course, they would use pseudonyms after that.

After everything was done, Lin Shu naturally received the second prize, which was a cash transfer check. Naturally, he had to go to the bank to transfer the money.

Lin Shu tried his best to calm himself down and not get too excited.

But in fact, he was still very excited.

Lin Shu clearly understood what the Eye of Prophecy meant when it said that seeing might not be the truth.

As the staff said, if the blue zone numbers matched, the total prize money would probably be 50 million yuan.

The real instant wealth was separated by a number.

The number he had seen was not the real first prize.

However, he was already very satisfied.

It was just as he had heard someone say he was lucky.

Right now, Lin Shu felt that he was very lucky. He had obtained a divine item like the Eye of Prophecy, and he had won the lottery within a few years. He was simply too lucky.

Lin Shu didn't know if this was the good luck that appeared after adding one point to the Luck attribute, but he really hoped that this luck would become good and that it would continue to be good in the future.

For the first time, Lin Shu felt that he was a lucky person because of the precious bank card in his pocket.

He had really hit the jackpot!

A huge and unbelievable surprise!


It was really too awesome!

To those god-like tycoons and crazy people, this one million yuan might not mean anything at all. But to an employee like Lin Shu, it was like a prize that fell from the sky and hit him.

Lin Shu felt a little light-headed and didn't know what was going on. It was like a dream.