The Devil's Trading Scale

After unlocking the Item Mall, Lin Shu's originally excited mood was completely doused by the high price, and he completely calmed down.

To Lin Shu, Sleeping Draught was the most suitable for him to buy.

He didn't need to think about it, he could just buy a lot of Sleeping Draught.

'Crap! What am I supposed to do with all those Sleeping Draught? I should rest my eyes soon…' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu felt an inexplicable sadness. He was really poor with his current Gold Coins balance, and he had no chance to buy anything in the mall. After all, he was not a player who spent money.

Lin Shu, a potential customer of the Item Mall, had probably already lost his promises.

Not to mention that this game could not be exchanged for Gold Coins with money. Even if Lin Shu could, he did not have the money to top up this game.

Being poor meant that Lin Shu could only farm for more Exp. Points and Gold Coins.

Lin Shu closed the Item Mall. He didn't want to continue looking at it which made him depressed and uncomfortable. It could even be said that it was very unfriendly to him. He chose to close it directly. Of course, when he closed it, Lin Shu still bought a bottle of Sleeping Draught.

To sleep well, he still had to drink a bottle of Sleeping Draught in order not to kick the quilt in the middle of the night.

'Drinking the Sleeping Draught?' It was strange to even think about it.

Lin Shu shook his head and closed the Item Mall. He then looked at the inventory on the virtual panel in front of him. There were four items now. One was his Wishing Talisman, which was almost turning into dust and had not been touched at all. The other two were the mystery gifts that he got from unlocking the Item Mall after he had successfully leveled up. The last one was the Sleeping Draught that he had just bought.

Lin Shu stared at the two mystery gifts, not knowing what kind of gifts would appear.

'It would be great if I could get another Eye of Prophecy! Or a Koi Talisman would do too!' Lin Shu thought.

With that kind of anticipation, Lin Shu chanted to his Luck attribute to bless him and opened the first mystery gift. He saw a cloth doll had randomly appeared in his inventory.

The cloth doll was black in color and had a pair of strange eyes. It grinned with a smile.

Disaster Warding Doll 

After use, it can give an early warning and block a disaster. 

Price: 1,666,666 Gold Coins 

Lin Shu's mood was somehow… Subtle when he first saw the item.

He had to admit that this Disaster Warding Doll was actually very useful. It was like buying insurance. The key was that it was different from buying personal safety insurance. Insurance would be reimbursed after an accident. This Disaster Warding Doll was obviously used to protect before an accident happened. It didn't need to apply for reimbursement after the insurance.

However, what Lin Shu wanted more was money. Though that rag doll was also quite cute.

Lin Shu felt that he shouldn't have such thoughts. After all, safety was the most important. He can't die before he could spend all his money. It would be too embarrassing if he died before that.

Lin Shu thought of something and tried to use the Disaster Warding Doll.

Then, there was a flash of light, and the Disaster Warding Doll in his inventory disappeared. However, Lin Shu didn't feel any changes in his body.

He didn't know how the black cloth doll was used.

However, Lin Shu quickly discovered that there was a mini tattoo on his wrist. It looked like a black doll, but the doll's face was a little strange, and it had a smile on it. The whole picture didn't look like a tattoo, but more like a virtual image.

Lin Shu felt that it was a little strange. He touched the tattoo, but he didn't feel anything.

At that moment, the doll-faced figure seemed to move and smiled at him.


'Am I seeing things?' Lin Shu pondered.

Lin Shu suspected that he had seen it wrong, but he felt that there was something strange about the pattern. After studying it for a while, he couldn't find anything, so he gave up.

It was likely that he would only use it to block the disaster when he was really in danger.

The only thing was that he didn't know how to block the disaster and how it would be effective.

Lin Shu was extremely curious.

However, he couldn't go and torture himself just to try out this Disaster Warding Doll and waste this opportunity to protect himself.

Soon, Lin Shu shifted his attention to the next mystery gift in his inventory.

Now, it was time to see what the next mystery gift was.

Lin Shu was looking forward to it. For some reason, he felt that the mystery gift was like a blind box. He wondered what kind of item would be inside.

Fortunately, this mysterious blind box was not bought with Gold Coins, but a gained item. He could only hope that it would drop a good item.

'Lady Luck, please bless me with an Eye of Prophecy!' Lin Shu wished in his heart.

Lin Shu looked at the mystery gift in his inventory and felt a little nervous. He mumbled Eye of Prophecy repeatedly in his mind. Then, he opened the mystery gift.

At that moment, a slanted black-and-white scale appeared in the original position of the inventory. In the middle of the scale was a statue of a devil. The center of the scale was held in the hand of the statue, and scale plates were hanging on both sides.

It was obvious that the scales were supposed to be level on both sides, but they were tilted to one side. One side seemed heavy while the other was light. However, the two scales were very stable.

The entire scale spread out from the middle, one black and one white. The entire devil statue was black, and the eyes on its ferocious face seemed to be staring at Lin Shu.

Lin Shu was taken aback. He looked at the item and felt that it was very strange, even a little strange.

Obviously, this wasn't the Eye of Prophecy that he was looking forward to.

It looked a little like the goddess of justice, Themis, but she was holding a scale in her left hand and a sword in her right hand. She was also blindfolded. But now, the scale was tilted, and it was in the hands of a demon. It was very strange.

Lin Shu looked at the name of the scale again…

'Devil's Trading Scale? What a strange name.' Lin Shu thought.

Devil's Trading Scale

Can be used to trade with the devil seven times. 

Note: Be careful of the greatest devilish greed. The level of transaction varies according to your level. 

Price: 48,888,888,888,888,888,888,888,888,888,888,888,888 Gold Coins. 

'Dealing with the devil seven times? Am I going to make a deal with the devil?' Lin Shu was a little surprised.

'More importantly, how to trade and what to trade? Are there any trading rules?'

Lin Shu was completely confused. What made him even more suspicious was the scale itself.

The scale in front of him was not fair at all. It was clearly not a fair scale. Lin Shu wondered, 'Did that mean that it was impossible to make a fair deal with the devil?

'Be careful of the greatest devilish greed? Did that mean I shouldn't be too greedy?'

Lin Shu was very confused, but at the same time, he was also a little excited.

He wondered if he could really make a deal with the devil, even if it was an unfair deal, what should he trade with and what could he use to make a deal with the devil?