"All you need to do is hold off Liu Na, and I'll deal with Wang Ye myself, see if I don't completely cripple that guy!"
He shook his head to clear the grogginess caused by the combined kick from Wang Ye and Liu Na and felt much better.
Zhua Na spoke harshly in Ma Country's language to his partner, his eyes fixed relentlessly on Wang Ye like a vulture circling in the sky, ready to swoop down and snatch a piece of flesh from him at any moment.
He had never been so belittled by anyone before, nor had he ever suffered such a loss at the hands of another.
Just now, it was Wang Ye and Liu Na's combined attack that had prevented Zhua Na from evading, but now that Liu Na was held up by someone else, he believed it would be a simple task to take Wang Ye down alone.
Even though Wang Ye had taken out two S-rank members from the Dark Wing Angel Organization, Zhua Na held them in complete contempt.