Saskatchewan: XXI & XXII

"Detective Toussaint, anything of value for our end?" she heard in her phone Courrier's voice and she swallowed. He sounded kind of friendly and curious, but, at the same time, she knew what kind of person he could be. If she played it right, he would totally just leave no trace after Machonto's body.

Toussaint couldn't believe she was so in sync with Aria on that one. Maybe they weren't that crazily opposites as it seemed.

"Not quite, sir." She decided to be honest with him. On everything.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, inspector Machonto assigned us to a task that yielded no information we were looking for, and, despite Callaghan's propositions, which are, let me mark it, reasonable this time, he insists for us to delve into that matter more.

"You're sure there would be nothing there, detective?"