Chapter 1:  Off we go

You boarded the airplane and found your seat in first class, by the window on the last row. You sat down comfortably on your spot.

Your eyes are fixed on the screen in front of you. The in-flight safety video is already playing, showing where the exits are, how to fasten your seatbelt, when portable electronics can and can't be used, etc.

Then you heard the pre-flight announcement from the speaker.

"Mabuhay! Welcome to Philippine Airlines! This is the pre-flight announcement for flight PR75 to South Korea. We are currently second in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately five minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Philippine Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

You feel that the plane is slowly moving in the ground, preparing to take off. Few minutes later, you feel that the plane is gradually ascending. You can feel your ears popping as the altitude increases.

After some time, you heard the captain's announcement.

"Good morning passengers. This is your captain speaking. First, I'd like to welcome everyone on flight PR75 to South Korea. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 8:15 am. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in Seoul approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in Seoul is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates, we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight."

You opened the screen and started checking the movie lists.

You saw a number of movies that you are in, either as the female lead or supporting actress.

You sighed deeply, "I don't know if I'll be happy or not seeing these." You told yourself.

Then you heard a knock on your small door. The door slide opened. "Good afternoon, Ms. Y/N, sorry for interrupting you." A female flight attendant appeared by your cabin door entrance.

"Good afternoon. What can I do for you?" You asked.

"I'm the senior flight attendant of this flight. We saw your name on our passenger list and we would just like to welcome you personally on boarding our flight. If you need anything don't hesitate to call any of us here. Again, welcome to Philippine Airlines and enjoy your flight with us," She bowed.

"You really don't have to greet me personally. But thank you, anyways. I'll let you know if I need anything," you smiled warmly at the attendant.

You are expecting for the attendant to take her exit, but she is not moving on her spot and just keep staring at you.

You are confused and asked her, "Is there any problem?"

"If it's just okay for you, Ms. Y/N," the female attendant started saying, fidgeting on her spot. "Can I have a photo with you? I am a really big fan of yours!"

"No worries, come near and let's take selfies." You gestured to the female to come near your seat. "But please don't expose to social medias my flight itinerary. I'm travelling solo for a vacation right now."

The lady nodded. You took a number of selfies and the female flight attendant happily exited your cabin.

Closing your eyes, you thought of the things which had recently happened to you. It's been a really hectic and tiring year for you. You have been busy on filming consecutive dramas. Being a celebrity is no joke. Specially, if you are really popular and have been receiving a number of offers. After the successful airing of your recent drama. You decided to take a vacation on your own. Away from the cameras, from social medias and if possible, from people who know you as celebrity.

Most of the people might think that having wealth, fame and notoriety can bring you the feeling of happiness and contentment associated with being a celebrity. However, from what you are experiencing as a famous celebrity in the Philippines who is highly visible in the media, it is taking a tremendous toll on your psychological functioning. No privacy. Everything you do is publicized for the world to see, discuss, and mock.

But the one that you are dealing the most difficult is the "Lost sense of self". Like other celebrities, you are feeling that you are unable to assert your individuality in a media world fraught with stereotypes. As the media and fans develop a false perception of you as a celebrity, you begin to lose track of the multi-faceted aspects of your own personality. This causes you to make choices that no longer reflect your true self, which further compromises your sense of identity.

Feeling like this, you want to break free, even just for a while from your drama roles, from the fans, haters, media, from the fame. You just want to even with some small time find your true self. You are now taking a risk alone to have a vacation to a foreign place that you hope that no one will notice you as a celebrity.

You felt so tired and had slept for most of the time during the flight. You did not even have the chance to have your meal. You are woken up by hearing the flight pre landing announcement.

"Ladies & Gentlemen, now we're approaching Seoul where the local time is 12:00 nn. At this stage you should be in your seat with your seatbelt firmly, fastened. Personal television screens, footrests and seat tables must be stowed away and all hand luggage stored either in the overhead lockers or under the seat in front. Please ensure all electronic devices including laptop computers and computer games are turned off."

You sat up and fastened your seat belt. You felt that the plane is gradually descending. After some time, the plane reached the ground.

You heard the landing announcement from the speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we just landed at Incheon International Airport. Welcome to Seoul. Please remain seated and fasten your seatbelt until our plane has come to a complete stop. On behalf of Philippine Airlines, we thank you for your patronage. We look forward to seeing you again. Thank you very much."

You started tidying up. You packed your phone and ipad to your carry-on bag. You straighten up the creases on your clothes and put on a black face mask to cover your nose and mouth area. Aside from there is still a pandemic going on, you're still in the plane and in a city, you will never know there might still be fans around the place. It is better to be cautious than be sorry later on.

The people started disembarking the plane. You quietly exited with the crowd, with your dark sunglasses on and hoodie up. You successfully passed the immigration and picked your luggage in the conveyer belt.

Your staff had already arranged everything you need for this vacation, you believed. You already have your Korean sim card for internet connectivity and loaded T-money on your hand.

"So I am in terminal 1, I just need to ….what????" You are shocked on what you read on the notes that your staff prepared for you.

"Is this for real?! Are they telling me to ride 2 buses and 2 trains for more than 7 hours just to reach Damyang-gun?" You shrieked in disbelief.

"This won't do," you told yourself. You have searched online how to go to Damyang-gun efficiently. Car hire is the fastest with around 3 hours straight drive. But you doubt that you can easily and safely hire a car to go to your destination. The next option is to fly there from Seoul Gimpo airport to Gwanju and take a 30-minute bus to Damyang-gun.

"Okay, that's it. I'll take this flight." You headed to the commuter rail as you read on the map. You need to take the AREX and pass 6 stops to reach Seoul Gimpo Airport. There you will buy the plane ticket and take the earliest flight.

Walking towards the commuter rail you saw a lot of posters and advertisements of Korean pop idols. They are everywhere. Because you are extremely busy with your career you are not really familiar with the k-pop idols. You watch Korean dramas as reference and you love to read manhwas (Korean comics) as a hobby. Before being a famous celebrity, you were a total anime geek, you love anime so much, you read a lot of mangas. But because of your popularity rise you don't have enough time to really watch anime series. Your hobby shifted more on reading colorful version of Korean comics which was the manhwa and also some light novels. Even when you are busy, you still find time to read even a chapter or some few pages of manhwas. In fact, you have learned how to read and write Hangul because some chapters of manhwa's you read are in Korean and the are no available translations for recent chapters.

Such a nerd. You though to yourself. But this is one of the things that makes you stay sane. Retaining your identity as an individual. For this trip, you want to dwell more on the things that keeps you YOU.

And Indeed that hobby of yours are helping you, big time now.

You understand all the Korean signages you saw and somehow a little bit of what the people around you are saying.

You reached the Seoul Gimpo station after a 30-minute ride to AREX. You hurriedly walked to the front desk of a local airlines.

"Annyeonghaseyo," you greeted the lady in the front desk politely in Korean.

"Can I book the earliest flight going to Gwanju?"

"Can I book the earliest flight going to Gwanju? (In korean)"

You spoke at the same time with someone but he is speaking in Korean. Yet, you understood that person is also asking for an earliest flight to Gwanju. Your hardwork self-studying hangul is really paying off. You silently thank your manhwa collection and light novels. There was a paused from the lady. The front desk lady smile at both of you and the person beside you. You sneakily take a look at the person beside you. He was tall and slim. A Korean indeed. He was wearing a black mask and black hoodie as well. Somehow your outfit seem to be like a couple's one. You are also wearing a black mas and black hoodie. The only different is that he is wearing a black pants and you are wearing a black skirt.

The front desk lady speaks in Korean first and talked to the man beside you. Then she started to speak to you in English, when you interrupted "I understand that the only available seats are in economy class and there are just two seats available and the plane will depart in 30 minutes. I will avail one seat for this flight. Thank you."

The front desk lady smiled at you and proceed to process the tickets. She handed one ticket to you and to the guy beside you.

You took the ticket and bowed thankfully to the lady. You hurriedly run to the boarding gate.

You boarded the plane and found your seat in the economy class on the end part of the plane. Your seat is on the right side of the wing. There are three seats adjacent together. Your seat is on the middle. There was already an old woman sitting on the isle seat.

You greeted the old woman "Annyeonghaseyo". The old woman smiled at you.

You tried to reach the overhead compartment to put in your carry-on bag. It is a bit high so you tiptoed and just pushed in your bad. But suddenly, you slightly trip on your right foot and lost balance. You thought you will drop on the floor, but you unexpectedly felt arms supporting your right shoulder and back. You open your eyes. You saw a pair of attractive eyes. Monolids. Eyes that are sort of cat-like. He was wearing a facemask and his hair was hidden beneath his hoodie. You remembered that he was the guy on the front desk earlier.

"Miss, are you okay?" He spoke in English.

You were in dazed but you tried to snap back in reality. "Y-yeah. I am okay. Thank you very much."

You immediately sat down on your seat. It was a bit cramped. You are not used to take economy class flight. But you don't have choice since you want to reach your destination immediately.

"Miss, can you make some space? I will be seating there by the window," the monolid guy said pointing on the empty window seat.

"I'm sorry. Okay. Go ahead". You folded your knees to make some space. The guy passed in front of you and sat down beside you, by the window.

The plane started to take off. You are really hungry since you were not able to have your breakfast meal from the earlier flight. You heard a wrapper being open. You looked beside you. The monolid guy is opening a biscuit. You watched how he opened the big box and the wrapper for each biscuit. It was Lotte Chocolate Binch Biscuits, one of you most favorite Korean snacks. You gulped as you watched him eat.

Then suddenly your stomach loudly growled.

The guy stopped eating and turned his head in your direction. He saw you staring at his biscuit.

"Um, do you want some?" he offered his biscuits to you.

"This is so embarrassing. I'm so sorry" you apologized. "But I will not be declining. As you've heard my growling stomach. I will accept the offer." You got the box and got a few biscuits. You are about to return it to the guy.

"No worries. You can have it all. I am still full. I think you need it more," he smiled.

"Nooooo, you take this. This is a big box. We will share," you got his hand and put the box over it. "Thank you very much," You smiled at him.

He got the box of biscuit and continue eating. You also proceed in opening the wrapper and eating the biscuits. Such a life saver.

You were busy chewing, when the monolid guy spoke. "You're here for a vacation?"

You looked at him and nodded while still chewing on your chocolate biscuit.

He chuckled.

You're confused as if to why he chuckled.

He pointed on his cheek, "you have some chocolate in your face".

"Ehhhhhhh," you tried to remove the chocolate stain on your face. But when you touched your face. You heard him chuckled more.

"What now?" you asked him.

"You smeared more chocolate than cleaning it up," he was laughing hard now. You can see some tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry for laughing at you. It's just that…it's really funny."

You keep trying to clean it but to no avail he just keeps laughing more.

You pouted. He noticed your pout and he tried his best to stop laughing.

"I'm sorry again. Okay let me help you." He got some napkins and carefully wipe the chocolate stains on your face. "Honestly, how old are you? You still eat like a kid. Don't be offended please. It's not that bad. Rather, I find it cute."

He accidentally touched your lips with his fingers. And you stared with each other's eyes.

Now, you can properly see his facial features. With his hoodie down and facemask removed. His lips sort of form a triangle. He has a lot of piercings and he has chubby cheeks. He also has black hair. He looks like a desert fox.

"Aigooooo, such a young and loving couple." You heard the old woman seating at the isle spoke in korean.

You immediately moved backwards and the monolid guy also did the same.

"No. Grandma, we are not a couple," you tried to politely reply in korean.

"Wow you speak Korean?" the guy asked. As if he was trying to remove the awkward situation.

"I know some phrases and I understand somehow," you replied.

"Daebak," he exclaimed.

"You're also good at speaking english," you told him.

"Oh. I lived in California for 2 years. That's why." He explained. "So where are you from?"

"I'm from the Philippines. I'm here for a solo vacation," you told him grinning.

"I see from the Philippines. Uhm, are you into K-pop? There are a lot of kpop idols fans there, I think." he asked you; he seems to be nervous.

"Korean pop music? I'm sorry. I'm not really familiar with kpop moreso with kpop idols. But I watched a bit, just a bit of Korean dramas for reference" you admitted.

"Oh that's good to hear," he sighed, somehow he seemed relief.

"By the way, we're talking for a bit already. But I still don't know your name. My name is Y/N. and you are?" You asked for his name.

"I'm Yeonjun."

"So, Yeonjun why are you going to Gwanju?" you asked him nonchalantly.

"Oh, for a vacation too," he responded immediately.

"Alone too?" you inquired.

"Yes. I want some time alone," he responded.

"I kinda understand that," you grinned at him.

After talking for a bit, Yeonjun and you decided to rest for the remaining time of the flight. Your eyes are closed trying to relax, when you heard a soft thudding sound. You opened your eyes and saw Yeonjun's heads intermittently hitting the window. Yet he is still sleeping. He seemed so tired. You felt that you should not wake him up and let him rest. But you are worried that he might hurt himself. You tried to find something soft to put between his head and the window but to no avail there is nothing around. You are just in a short flight, so pillows and blankets are not provided. You put your hand over Yeonjun's head to straighten his posture for his head not to bump on the window. But to your surprise, he shifted towards your direction and put his head over your shoulder.

You are thankful that you have your face mask on, or people can easily see your face red as tomato. You want to wake him up, but he seemed to be deep on his sleep.

"Yeonjun," you tried to call his name. But he is not waking up.

Then you felt your eyes are becoming heavy. You yawned. "I guess, I'll just let you sleep like this. Rest well," then you also drifted to sleep.

Yeonjun's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. It seems that I fell asleep. I was so tired. We practiced until late at night yesterday just for me to have this week off. I was about to rub my eyes, when I felt something warm in my hand. I looked down and saw that Y/N's hand was over my hand. I was about to panic, then I felt that my head was resting on her shoulder and her head was resting on mine. I panicked more.

"Yeonjun, why are you so shameless," I thought to myself.

I slowly and carefully put her hand away, on her lap. With my left hand, I carefully lifted her head, so I can straighten my head up. I slowly put her head on my right shoulder. Now that I'm close to her like this, I can see that she has really long eye lashes. Though, she has her facemask on, I saw that she is really pretty when she was eating the biscuit earlier.

I saw her fringes covering her face and my hand unknowingly moved her fringes on the side of her face. I am so close with a stranger, and a female one at that. But it does not feel uncomfortable. It's more of the opposite. I feel so relaxed and I was in deep sleep earlier.

"It seems that you really like your girlfriend," the old woman sitting on the isle seat said to me. "It seems that she really like you as well. She saw your head bumping on the window and immediately put your head on her shoulder. Such a sweet girl. You two suit each other well," she smiled.

I can feel that my ears are turning red just hearing what happened. But she is not my girlfriend. I am about to tell to the old woman that she is not my girlfriend. When the landing announcement is heard on the speaker. You felt that Y/N's head tilted. She opened her eyes and she immediately raised her head, away from your shoulder.

"I'm sorry. It seems like I fell asleep too." She apologized.

"No worries. I think I was the one who fell asleep first. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," I also apologized.

The plane landed. I can still feel that it is still a bit awkward between me and Y/N. The people started to stand up from their seats and disembarked the plane. I was about to stand up too, when I saw Y/N. She was assisting the old woman sitting on isle seat. She helped her stand up and got her baggage on the overhead compartment for her.

I smiled at the scene. She was a nice person. So polite and helpful. So pretty and attractive. I was in dazed thinking of these things about her, when I snapped back in reality. I saw her waving her hand on my face.

"Hey, Yeonjun!" she called me.

"Y-yes," you looked at her.

"I just want to say bye. And it was really nice meeting you. I'll be off now. See you when I see you!" she smiled at me.

Such a warm and genuine smile.

"Y-yes. Nice meeting you Y/N. Enjoy your stay in Korea." I smiled back.

She turned around and walked away.

"See you when I see you," I whispered on yourself.