Chapter 10: The Morning After

Normal POV

You opened your eyes slowly. Your head is pounding and you felt that your whole body is aching. Your brain felt like it had been soaked in beer. You sat up slowly. The blanket that is covering you slipped down revealing your naked upper body. You noticed that you are not wearing any clothes.

You panicked.

You looked around and noticed a figure laying on your side.

A man!

There is a man lying beside you under the same blanket.

The man slowly turned around and his face is revealed.

"Yeonjun?!" you squealed so loud and instantly woke up the sleeping Yeonjun.

"Yes?!" Yeonjun instantaneously sat up. Then he looked at you. You we're clinging on the blanket to cover your naked body.

"W-what happened last night?" you asked nervously.

"Uhmmm," Yeonjun paused for a while. "It seemed that something happened between us last night. Judging on how we slept naked together and with uhmmm." He paused again. This time he pointed at my neck.

"What's on my neck?" you asked curiously.

"Hickeys. A lot of it." He paused again.

"Yeonjun!!!" you yelled at him while covering your neck with your other hand.

"We we're both intoxicated last night. It seemed that we were passed our alcohol limit and that drove us to this. I'm sorry. I should have drink more responsibly." He apologized.

You know you are at fault too for drinking carelessly and being caught in heat. It was your first time, for God's sake and you did it drunk with a man who is not even your boyfriend, a man you just met.

"I'm at fault too," you admitted. "Did we even used protection?"

"Protection? Did you even have one? Because I didn't bring one with me. I did not expect anything like this to happen during my vacation," Yeonjun responded his palm covering his face.

"Geez! We had unprotected sex!" you exclaimed. "What to do now?!" You started to panic and tears started to come out from your eyes.

"Fuck! No. Don't cry. Please." Yeonjun moved closer to you and gently wiped the tears from your eyes. "I can go to the pharmacy nearby and buy morning-after pill that you can take."

"What if that didn't work?" you asked worriedly. Tears still falling from your eyes.

"It will." Yeonjun put both of his hands on your cheeks and looked at you straight in the eyes. "If not, do not worry, I will be responsible for the consequences."

You started to cry harder. You still can't believe how irresponsible you are. You and Yeonjun's career are on the line. What will happen if you get pregnant? How will your lives will be?

Yeonjun enveloped you into a warm and tight hug, "Hussssh. It will be okay. Let's take this step by step. I'll go to the pharmacy and you stay here and be a good girl."

His warmth slowly calms your nerves and you eventually stopped on crying.

When he noticed that you were not crying anymore. He wiped off the remaining tears from your cheeks. "Now, princess. I need you to close your eyes for a bit. Because I will go out. I'm butt naked, here soooo…. You can take your time for a bit here calming yourself. I will go to the pharmacy," he requested. You can see his cheeks slightly flushing.

"Okay. Okay. I'll close my eyes and definitely not look," you closed your eyes and even faced the opposite direction. Seconds later, you heard the door opened then closed.

Yeonjun was out of the room. Now, you are all alone. You lay down again on the bed and closed your eyes. Then fragments of what happened last night flashed on your mind. You definitely had sex with him until dawn. You remember different positions you were into, how good his thrusts, touch and kisses.

You can feel your heart started beating faster and your cheeks begun to feel warm.

While you were on your thoughts, you heard Yeonjun yelled from the outside "I'm going out now. I'll be back soonest."

When you heard the main door closed. You immediately got up, went straight to the bathroom and washed up.

After freshening up, you found yourself standing in the middle of the living area. There are over 10 cans of beers in the floor, your clothes, Yeonjun's clothes, everything is a mess.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaay," you sighed and started picking up the cans.

You cleaned the living area and went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You choose to cook a simple meal, just Bacon-Egg-And-Cheese-Stuffed Pancakes. You were preparing the table when Yeonjun arrived.

"Ohhh, you prepared breakfast already?" he removed his jacket and hang it on the rack.

"Yeah. It's better than sulking in the room," you put the maple syrup on the table. "Come on, let's have breakfast."

Yeonjun walked towards you, "Take this first." He handed you a paper bag from the Pharmacy. You immediately pulled out a box of pills. You got a glass of water and took in some pills as prescribed in the box.

"Thank you for buying this," you returned to your seat, Yeonjun was already sitting on the opposite side.

"Don't mention it. Thank you for preparing our breakfast and cleaning the living area," he noticed that the living room was already cleaned.

"No worries. Let's dig in," you smile at him.

He took a big bite of the pancake, "Wow these pancakes are definitely good!"

You noticed that he has crumbs on his cheeks.

"Yeonjun," you called and pointed at his cheek, He tried to remove it but he failed to do so. You gave up on pointing and instead stood up and reached for his cheek.

"It's over here," you remove the crumbs. You also notice that his collar was crooked. You sighed.

"It's crooked over here; you went out like this?" you fixed his collar and returned to your seat.

"T-thanks," Yeonjun's cheeks were now pink. "So, this is how it feels to have a wife?" he suddenly blurted out.

"W-what?" you stuttered. You almost choked on your pancake.

"Just kidding," he laughed. Then his expression become serious.

"But I'm serious, if something went wrong. I'm willing to take responsibility."

He paused for a bit and look at you straight into your eyes. "I will marry you, if needed."

This time the you were drinking hot chocolate and you accidentally swallow the hot drink and burn your tongue. "Ouch! Ouch!"

"Are you okay?" Yeonjun immediately got a glass of water and gave it to you.

"M-Marry me?" you repeated, while getting the glass of water from him.

"Yeah. I will marry you," he said in a serious tone.

"I mean, if I became pregnant, which I hope not, you can just support the child and not marry me. Y-you don't even l-like me," you stuttered on the last sentence.

"Y/N, I don't like a broken family. If I will have a child, I want to raise him in a loving home," Yeonjun paused and he reached for my hand.

"And It's not true that I don't like you. Because I feel in my heart that I do," Yeonjun held my hand tightly while looking at me lovingly. "What do you feel about me?"

You were shocked on the sudden confession. Everything seems so fast. You just met him the other day on the airport, became housemate, slept together and now he is confessing that he likes you.

In all honesty, you know to yourself that you're attracted to him. That maybe you even like him.

This is your first time being attracted to a guy. Is this even possible? You keep asking yourself. He is an idol. A popular celebrity in his country as you are too back in Philippines. You are just on a short vacation. How will you proceed if you really get into a relationship? Your head started to ache. You know this will be really complicated.

But can you lie to yourself? Ignore your feelings? Play dumb?

No. this time you decided to be yourself and be honest with your feelings.

"Honestly, this is my first time to feel this way to someone," you looked at him straight in the eyes. "So, I'm a bit confused. But I don't want to lie to you and to myself. It is indeed too fast. But my heart beast faster when you're nearby. Even though we just met, I feel so comfortable around you. It feels that I have known you for so long."

You observed Yeonjun's facial reaction. You can't exactly describe it, a mixed of happy and shocked expression all at the same time.

"So does it mean that we?" he started.

"No," You cut him out. "I think we should start knowing each other first."

Yeonjun can't really disagree to that. We indeed feel the same way, but still there are a lot of things that we do not know about each other.

"I understand. It wouldn't hurt to know each other before dating. But I won't be just your friend and you won't be my friend either," he responded to her.

"Then what am I to you, if not a friend, an acquaintance?" you pouted.

"You're my special person, silly!" he pinched both of her cheeks.

You can feel that your cheeks are becoming warm.

"Y-you are to me too," You murmured shyly. "My special person."

Saying those words made your heart beats faster. You are definitely going crazy.