Chapter 17: Date Nights

Yeonjun's POV

"Love, relax. I am still waiting for the president's reply. Truthfully, I'm hesitating to do this concept too, because if I start showing mature image like this. I might be up for more mature roles. I think I'm not ready for that yet," she honestly confessed.

Hearing her called me "love", made my nerves calmer. I sit down and took a deep breathe. "I'm sorry, Y/N for acting out like this. I know that's part of your job. It's just that I can't help but to be over protective of you."

"I understand you, Yeonjun. That's why I am telling you this, first hand. Your emotions are valid," she tried to console me. Such a sweet girl.

"Y/N, we got response from the president!" I heard the voice of Karen-ssi in the background.

I listened carefully.

"The president wants to keep the original concept. I guess it's not time for you to have a sexy image yet," I heard Karen-ssi told Y/N.

I let out an audible "Nice!"

"Oh, your boyfriend is there? Hello there," Karen-ssi face come into view on the phone screen.

"Hello, Ms. Karen," I greeted her.

"Worry not. Your girlfriend won't be posing in daring pictorials anymore. I'm gatekeeping her," she told me teasingly.

"Thank you very much!" I bowed to her.

"Yeonjun-ah, now that's everything's clear. I guess we need to hung up now. Please have your lunch. Eat well. The photoshoot will start in a while. See you later!" Y/N bade goodbye and I smile at her and hang up.

I put my phone down to the table and let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeonjun-hyung, you still have 15 minutes to eat," Taehyun reminded.

"You brats, you enjoyed listening to our conversation," I told them while I got my food pack portion.

"Geez, I didn't know that Yeonjun-hyung has this overprotective scary side," Beomgyu started to tease me. "Y/N, where are you right now? I'll put clothes on you!" he again mimicked me for the nth time.

"Yahhh! Just eat your food!" I told off Beomgyu as I continue having my lunch.

After lunch time, we practiced live vocals and dancing. In the evening, we had our English lessons. Although, I'm proficient at the language, I still need to attend classes. It was already five past nine when we got to finish our schedule for the day. I borrowed Jisoo-hyung's car, dropped by to some nearby flower shop and got a bouquet of red roses. I also bought takeaway chicken, kimbap and some drinks. We need to have dinner anyways. Then, I drove to Y/N's hotel.

I stopped by the hotel entrance and called her phone.

She picked up the call.

"Love, I'm in the hotel entrance. Black car park on the left side," I told her over the phone.

"I saw you already. I'm going over there now," she hangs up the phone.

I saw her wearing a fluffy padded coat running towards the car. She immediately pulled the door open in the passenger seat and got inside.

"Gosh! It's so cold!" she was rubbing her hand together.

"Did you wait outside?" I asked her as I hold both of her hands. "Your hands are cold."

She just grinned at me. Indeed, she really waited outside for me. Such a dummy.

"You're such a dummy. You should have just waited in the lobby," I rubbed her cold hands.

"I wanted to see you soon," she told shyly.

Hearing those from her, made my heart feels so warm. Geez, what should I do with this lady?

"I wanted to see you too soon. But I think we should get going. Or someone might spot us in here," I told her as I put my hands on the steering wheel and started to drive away.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Somewhere nice," I told her as I flashed her a smirk.

After some time, we reached the riverbank near the Hangang Bridge. I stopped the car on the side.

"We're here now," I told her.

"Ohhh. The view of the river and bridge here is relaxing and beautiful," she pulled down the car window.

"That's why I brought you here. Also…" I stretched my arm on the back seat to reach the bouquet of roses. "This is for you, my love." I handed her the roses.

"I love you. Will you be officially my girlfriend?" I asked her looking straight to her eyes with all the sincerity that I can show.

She was staring at me. Then, I saw her lips curled up into a smile. She took the bouquet from my hand.

"That took you long enough to ask," she smirked at me. "You know the answer already, Mr. Choi Yeonjun." She suddenly kissed me on my cheek. "The answer will always be a YES."

I pulled her closer into a tight hug, "this feels nice, hugging your girlfriend on a cold autumn night after a productive day."

"I agree," she hugged me back tightly. "I hope that time will stop at this moment, honestly." She sounded a bit down.

I knew what she is thinking. It's just less than a week until she goes back to her country. Thinking about that, I can't hep but to feel lonely too. But this is how it is and we will make our relationship work.

"I am hoping for that too, my love. But we know how it is. I know we can survive this and can make this work," I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"I have good news for you tho," I told her enthusiastically.

"What is it?" she asked eagerly.

"As you know, we will be having a world tour starting next month. And guess where is our first stop in Asia?" I let her guessed the obvious place.

"OMG! Don't tell me, it's in the Philippines?!" she guessed it right.

"Well done guessing! So don't sound so sad. I'll be seeing you sooner that you think," I pinched her cheeks.

Then tears started to fall from her eyes.

", what's wrong?!" I asked worriedly as I wiped her tears away from her cheeks.

"I-im just happy. I get the chance to see you again after a month. I'm not yet leaving now, yet I am missing you already," she told me while her tears kept pouring down to her cheeks.

"Love, we're still together now. I'm still here with you. And when we're not together I'll always try to call you, send you messages. We can make this work. I promise you. I love you, Y/N," I kissed her tears away.

That night we talked a lot of things about our future schedules for the coming months while having our dinner inside the car. We planned on when and where will we meet, so we can already block our schedules. It seems that after the Asia tour, she will have free time to visit and watch our concert in the United States. I'm so excited to go with her to other places and to spend time with her.

I took her back to hotel around 3:00 in the morning. I know it's very late but we just enjoyed talking to each other so much. I already texted her manager in advance so she wouldn't be worried.

For the next couple of days we keep on meeting up after our schedules had been finished. It was really busy for us, but having to see her after a tiring day and spending time with her made me feel more energetic. I guess I am more inspired to work harder because of her.

Then it came, the last night before her flight back to the Philippines and it was raining hard. Because we keep meeting each other inside the car, I was hoping to take her to the Naksan park this time and go over the Naksan Summit to view the Seoul City lights, but I guess maybe some other time.

We are inside the car parked on the roadside near the entrance of Naksan Park.

"We can't really do anything with this heavy rain," I told her a bit disappointed.

"Yeonjun-ah. It's okay. I'm happy as long as I'm with you, wherever we are," my girlfriend held my hand. She is becoming sweeter and sweeter each day. Geez. I'm such a lucky man.

"I think you're kinda wrong tho. We can do a lot of things with this heavy rain," she slowly put her hand over my thigh and give it a sensual rub while looking at me in the eye, biting her lower lip.

The temperature suddenly changed. It feels so hot all of a sudden.