The Hunt

The experienced Apprentice Sorcerers discussed August's actions just now before losing interest. They saw August as a frog at the bottom of the well who didn't know how wide the heavens were. August was unfazed by the commotion that went on and others' opinions about him as he declared the mission that he planned to complete. He knew that average sorcerers with only one sorcery and little experience should not even be considering taking such a mission but he still had confidence in himself.

Now what I have to do next is see if I can buy some materials to elevate my abilities as much as possible before heading out, August thought as he walked towards the right side of the Great Hall to the trading area.

"Please do you have any rank 0-grade wind elemental cores around?"

August asked a female Sorcerer at the other side of the counter who looked to be in her twenties. She had dark hair and her appearance was average. She did not put on any airs when she saw August and replied "We have elementary wind elementary cores that cost 1 spirit stone each, Intermediate cores that cost 5 spirit stones for one, and peak rank 0 cores which cost 10 spirit stones.

Looking at his meagre wealth, August could help but sigh. "I have to complete this mission to make this investment worth it!"

"I'll purchase 7 elementary-grade wind elemental cores, please". After completion completing the trade, August went back to his room and took out the cores.

"The wind elemental core detected can grant you a 0.1 increase in your elemental affinity. Would you like to extract it?"

"Go ahead, Rhea."

After some time Rhea gave her report." Wind Affinity and Spirit have been increased by 0.7. Wind sorcery's damage and range increased by 0.7. "August checked his Stats.



Rank 0 Apprentice Sorcerer

Physique: 3.0

Agility: 2.0

Strength: 3.0

Spirit: 8.0


1. Wind: 6.0%

Affinity slots (0/4)


1. Wind Blade Sorcery

Spirit cost: 2

Cast time: 4.7>4 secs

Range: 10.3>11 meters

Damage: 15.3>16

"After the first optimization, Rhea was able to improve the amount of Spirit it would take for me to cast the sorcery from 5 points to 3 points, making it possible for me to cast the spell two times with my initial 7 Spirit. Now with my Spirit reaching 8 and the further improvement in my wind affinity leading to the reduction in the Spirit cost to 2, I can use the Wind Blade Sorcery 4 times!" August smiled.

One must know that although Sorcerers have elemental affinities such as fire, wind, water, etc., without the use of some high-grade elemental cores and some ancient potions, it was extremely difficult to increase their elemental affinity and therefore can barely improve their spells!

Also, the minimum Spirit needed to qualify as an Intermediate rank 0 Sorcerer was 10 and with his 8 Spirit, August was just two points away from becoming an Intermediate Sorcerer. This progression can be considered to be fast given how difficult it was to raise one's Spirit energy!

I think I can head out now. August put on his robes and got ready to set out.


Guard Quarters, Feronia town

It was almost noon when August arrived at a building on the southern side of the town. The building was made up of dark and hard rocks and it had a courtyard inside of it. August entered and made his presence known.

"I am Apprentice Sorcerer August of the Great Sorcerer Phelan Tower I am here to fulfil the mission issued by the tower."

The head of the guards who was a mortal but had a strong build with a bald head and was dressed in a dark-coloured Knights armour walked towards August with his guards and said "Esteemed Sorcerer we are the town guards and I'm their leader you can call me Bjorn. Although Bjorn could not figure out who this sorcerer with blond hair and golden eyes was, he did not dare look down on him.

With an expression that was neither arrogant nor humble, August coolly said, "let's get down to business. What are your leads on the rogue Sorcerers?"

"Yes, my lord. They are from the Xylia Kingdom and they have been attacking key areas in the town like our shops and caravans and escaping quickly as soon as they are discovered. From our Intel, their possible location according to the testimonies of some survivors of their attacks is around the periphery of the Magic Forest. One Sorcerer is known for his fire sorcery and the other one for her water sorcery and the last one is unknown. That's all we know my lord."

The Magic Forest is on the eastern side of both the Xylia and Elvira Kingdoms and is said to cover a large part of the Mallevian Region. It is known for the powerful magic beasts that reside in those forests and hence only the periphery of the Magic Forest has been explored.

"Splendid. Then I'll head there personally." August was cool as a cucumber when he said this, with no panic showing on his face and this surprised Bjorn and his guards

"Maybe this Sorcerer is indeed powerful as I thought"

"I'll go with you my lord, Bjorn added. Just keep your distance when the battle is going on". August cautioned.


"This forest is scary and so many dangers lie here. I haven't even taken a proper bath for days. When are we going to complete this assignment?"

"Today. We will kill and continue causing chaos and if that Great Sorcerer Phelan fails to show up then that means that Master was right- he is in seclusion and that will be the chance for the Cadogan clan to start our assault!"

Three sorcerers in black robes were talking amongst themselves as they came out of a forest whose trees reached an enormous height and the leaves were so thick that even light failed to pass through them which made it look dark inside the forest even though it was still daytime. They were the rogue sorcerers that came from the Cadogan clan. They were two males and one female

They hardly took a step further when they heard a male in grey robes with the Brander clan insignia, who was tall and had slick blond hair that reached his shoulders coming out from behind a tree. Coupled with his golden eyes that stared intently at them, with a dashing smile he slowly said to them.

"Start chaos? I can assure you that things are going to be chaotic for you from here on out!"