August's Brilliance

Osslow and Garlane had serious looks when they saw August make his move. Despite their lofty talk and confidence that they could take down August, even when their ambush failed, Osslow and Garlane did not slack in their actions and immediately took countermeasures after seeing August's wind spear rain sorcery. Osslow pulled out a yellowish-brown orb and dropped it on the ground.

Suddenly, earth elemental particles rapidly coalesced around the orb, forming a five-meter tall earthen figure that looked like a bear as it rose from the ground.

Earth Sorcery: Earth Bear Golem!

Garlane didn't lose out as well, stretching both of his arms forward as he cast his sorcery.

Ice Sorcery: Ice Shield!

A blue and white coloured elemental energy surged forth from his palms and formed a fan-shaped shield in front of him that was made out of ice.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap!!!!!

Like the sound of heavy raindrops on an aluminium rooftop, Osslow and Garlane's defences were constantly battered by numerous wind spears, almost like it was raining spears! The ground beneath them continuously shook from the intense collisions. The attack launched by August lasted for nearly ten seconds before ceasing.

Osslow's face darkened as he looked at the golem. Although he came out unscathed, his favourite Earth Bear golem which he took pride in for its defensive prowess was battered and looked like a porcupine now. Although it hadn't lost its full power, it still had many holes in its body after enduring the horrendous spear rain attack. His Earth Lizard also sustained some damage as well.

Garlane was not as fortunate as his partner though. Although his ice shield sorcery managed to withstand the majority of the attacks, some of the wind spears still landed on his body and pierced his thigh and left arm. Although they were not his vital points, he still felt excruciating pain that made him wince in agony.

How could he be so strong? Why did a newly advanced intermediate sorcerer in front of them have such deadly and powerful sorceries? It is as if we were fighting a newly advanced elite sorcerer instead!

These were the thoughts that were running through their heads as they stared at the grey-robed blond-haired sorcerer standing not far from them who was looking at them with a mysterious glint in his golden pupils as if their every action was in his control.

"Is this what you had in mind when you said you will kill me? If you don't take me seriously, then it is you that will perish here."

August said coldly. He will counter and attack his opponents viciously and decisively the more they tried to defeat him. This was his style. He will overwhelm his opponents with even more force the more they remained stubborn. He wanted to be indomitable and peerless!

"Don't you dare look down on us, Storm! Garlane we will go with plan B!" Osslow shouted. As a meticulous individual, he made sure to enact certain contingencies with Garlane in case the ambush failed. So far, the battle did not go smoothly as originally planned, however, it didn't matter. They had to be ready to use their trump cards.

"That spell was a powerful spell, but it probably requires a huge amount of magic power," Osslow said softly to Garlane. "He shouldn't be able to use that deadly sorcery again. Now is our chance to defeat him. Can you still fight, Garlane?"

"Of course, I can still move. This injury is nothing," Garlane said. He had a slightly pale face and blood on his clothes but used his ice elemental energy to seal up his wounds and stop his bleeding. "Let us do it, Osslow!" Garlane prepared to cast his attack.

In front of him, the ice elemental particles formed an ice bolt which was as thick as an arm and it had a smooth surface, with cold energy spreading out from its surface menacingly that could immediately turn a mortal into a statue if one were just to come contact with it.

Ice Sorcery: Ice Bolt!

However August was faster! He stretched his right index finger forward and pointed towards Garlane with his demeanour looking extremely relaxed and did not take more than a second to cast his sorcery and launched it towards Garlene who just finished preparing his sorcery as well.

Garlene hardly launched his sorcery when a green light flashed through the air at an unbelievable speed. It was as if the wind blade in the surroundings did not encounter any resistance in the air and flew towards his ice bolt instantly, matching its trajectory.


An intense collision created a shockwave that created an icy mist in the surroundings. This made it difficult for one to see clearly and it reduced August's vision to only a few steps away from him.

At the same time, the earth around August suddenly softened and began to transform into mud!

Earth Sorcery: Mud Floor!

He looked on incredulously as his feet started sinking into the ground that had now turned into mud his eyebrow rose upwards in surprise at this synchronized attack from the duo and even praised them in his heart.

"So this is what you were planning, Osslow." August figured out instantly as he stared at Osslow and Garlane's figure which became clearer after the mist cleared. "Garlane's initial attack was a diversion and the real killing blow was meant to be dealt by you."

"I'm not done yet. This ends here, Storm." Osslow did not have an excited expression on his face. On the contrary, he was serious and knew that August was more powerful than they expected. He had to be decisive and get rid of a dangerous enemy like this before he became as terrifying existence than he already was!

"Get him, Earth Lizard!" Osslow shouted.

The Earth Lizard that was beside him immediately charged towards August. As an alchemical creature that had an earth affinity, the muddy floor did not impede its movement that much as it closed in on its target and opened its mouth, revealing its jagged teeth and lunged towards August, attempting to bite his head off!

"It was a sound plan, if I had not mastered this sorcery, I might have been in trouble. Sorry to disappoint you, Osslow," August said not sounding apologetic, to say the least.

Just as it looked as if the Earth Lizard was about to kill August, elemental wind energy surrounded his body and his grey robe began fluttering in the wind. He felt light and weightless, as If the pressure on him vanished.

Wind Sorcery: Float!

He began to float in the air and he dodged the attack of the Earth Lizard which bit thin air now as he shot up almost ten meters into the air, causing the mud that was restricting his movements to splatter in different directions. Osslow and Garlane were dumbfounded as they could not believe what they were seeing

Was this guy a newly advanced intermediate sorcerer?

As far as they knew, intermediate sorcerers, especially those who recently advanced needed some time to learn new sorceries and research how they could improve their might. But from August's display, the power of his sorceries and his seemingly countless array of sorceries, it was all befuddling and astounding to them.

How could they ever know that August had super assistance from a sentient 'system' like Rhea?

August was suspended in the air but that did not mean that he could not attack his opponents!

His golden pupils landed on the Earth Lizard and he pointed towards it. This action of his was like pronouncing a death sentence as two wind blades shot towards it downwards in quick succession, landing on the same spot on the Earth Lizard's neck and slicing its head cleanly off its body, killing it.

Osslow and Garlane looked on in despair at the scene unfolding in front of them before Osslow felt a pain in his soul, after his alchemy creature that he had a soul bond with was killed by August.

"You guys were right," August spoke coolly as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him. "My wind spear rain sorcery has a cooldown period and I can't use it often. However, what you guys got wrong was that I can still use it more than once."

August did not stop at killing the Earth Lizard and raised his right palm in the air while speaking to Osslow and Garlane below. Immediately, countless wind spears formed.

"So far, many enemies of mine died swiftly in my hands, like the wind. You managed to bring me this far. I thank you. I will now say the same words you said to me earlier, Osslow. THIS ENDS HERE!" August glared at them coldly and said in a deep voice.


His palm which was initially spread open now clenched into a fist as the wind spears descended. Osslow and Garlane tried to muster their last bit of power to withstand the attack but their effort was in vain as the wind spears were relentless and stabbed into their vitals and killed them.