King Galahad also makes a move!

The last screams of Batrors before his impending death was like a magic wish. This was because no sooner had he said that did a demonic presence far stronger than Batrors' own during his demon transformation, emerge from the cave.

"Demonic Scythe Art: Kermes' Demon Bladelight!!"


In an instant two reddish black blade lights shot out from a blurry figure at the entrance of the cave, intercepting the wind blades that were just about to slice off the head of Batrors and cancelling them out.

Everyone looked towards the direction where the blade attacks came from and saw a red-cloaked male figure that was wearing a hood. His robe was tattered around the edges and he had reddish skin, with a scar on his right cheek. He was almost two meters tall and he had greyish-looking eyes.