Ashphen, The Border Town

One week later,

As August, Claire, and Diana approached Ashphen, they immediately noticed the stark contrast between this town and others they had encountered. The air was tinged with an undercurrent of tension, and the bustling energy of a typical trading hub was notably absent.

The buildings in Ashphen, constructed from sturdy stone and fortified with defensive enchantments, loomed tall and imposing. They possessed a defensive quality, with reinforced walls and watchtowers, giving the town an unmistakable fortress-like appearance.

The once vibrant marketplace, a hub of commerce and cultural exchange, now felt subdued and guarded. Stalls that had once been filled with a variety of goods and wares now displayed only a fraction of their previous diversity. The absence of Cadogan Clan merchants and the limited presence of Brander Clan traders was apparent, emphasizing the severed trading relations.