Pristine Spiritual Wind Turbulence!

August wasted no time and swiftly made his way towards Maersult's position in Maersult's position. As he travelled, he couldn't help but reflect on the situation at hand. While he had managed to catch Spider Killer off guard with his abilities, he was equally uncertain about her potential for a quick recovery and return to full battle strength.

The battlefield was in a state of chaos, and August knew little about the true numbers of the Cadogan Clan's forces. Night Shade, Snake Gaze, and Spider Killer were just a few of the sorcerers who had revealed themselves, but he suspected they were merely the vanguard for a more significant onslaught, potentially led by First Rank Sorcerers. The thought of facing such formidable opponents put August in a life-and-death predicament if he remained at the Ashphen Camp.