Chapter 1 - A very ordinary isekai

"You are a lucky... soul." an unearthly voice sounded blazing with power.

Just from his words, ripples of power passed through the universe, but the soul was isolated from this influence, otherwise, it would simply burst with energy and the naked core would return to the River of Souls.

This very soul appeared in a small room as if floating in space, where myriads of stars sparkled and soon the "ball" began to take a humanoid form. At first, appendages resembling an arm appeared, then legs and a head. It was impossible to see faces or something like that because the soul itself simply took a more pleasant form in this place, that is, humanoid, and immediately began to look around.

"Where am I?" a faint soul voice sounded.

"In a place called the 'Edge of the Universe' or 'Utter Emptiness'. Some may call this place 'The Abyss', but I don't think the name is important to you. Just accept as a fact that this place is inaccessible to ordinary mortals... at least in normal circumstances."

"... this all reminds me of something very much."

"The previous one like you said something similar, although he is from a different version of your planet from the beginning of the twenty-first century. I think you have more options describing what is happening."

"I'm dead… I remember it clearly... unless, of course, I didn't survive after the plane exploded… I told them it was a bad idea to fly over the closed space of this country." the soul seemed to exhale and began to look around again.

"Is that what death is like?"

"If it was an ordinary death, then you would not ask such questions and would just be cleansed of all memories for the next life. So no, death is not like that for most."

"You don't mean to say I'm the son of some god, do you? Or did I once seduce some goddess?" the soul began to ask.

"By the way... who are you?"

"It doesn't matter much, but you can consider me the will of your universe to have taken a suitable form to contact you." an unearthly voice answered, and the soul could see that there was a word in space... a huge cosmic head consisting of stars.

"And no, you're not the son of a god and you haven't seduced goddesses... at least not yet."

"Well, it was worth a try." easily, 'said' the soul.

"And I'm sorry if I talk a lot…"

"Don't worry, I'm not one of those 'gods' who can get mad at you because of your words... and, yes, I know what you're thinking, it's okay for me. It would be difficult for me not to do this, try to think quieter if you wish. I'm here for you. That's why I said you were lucky. Very rarely, so rarely that it has happened only three times before, people from different parallel Lands come to this place. And yes, it is from the parallel planets of your Earth. Why? Because HE favors this planet very much."

"He?" the soul swallowed, feeling something strange.

"Yes, HE is. The one whose will is eternal, the one who can do anything and everything. He has many names and you can just say that he is a true god... but this absolutely does not describe his capabilities. Sometimes he is called David."

" David? It's a very... strange name for the almighty."

"It's not for us to judge. So, this time your soul got here and you are given the opportunity to turn the wheel of fate. Yes, the same thing that was in several "fanfics" from your world."

" Oh... and if I get something disgusting, can I refuse?" " he asked.

"No, it will literally determine your future fate, no matter how it sounds to you. You spin it twice. The first is the choice of the world, it can be absolutely anyone that you know or have heard, or did not even guess. The second is the possible forces. And yes, both the world and the forces are divided into ranks from D to SSS or EX. Each rank has a High and Low status. The forces are also divided into levels related to these ranks, from the first to the tenth. This is done to simplify your understanding. You can come across any power, from the ability to command frogs, to the ability to destroy the universe."

"This is... a lot of information" all that the soul could squeeze out of itself.

"What about my memory? Even if I get the power, will my memory stay with me?"

"Yes, your memory will be with you in any case, and you will 'get' into the body of a suitable age and appearance for you. You can't adjust or change it, but most likely you will get into a person with your appearance."

" I see... well, I wasn't a freak, so I don't mind." the soul seemed to shrug its shoulders.

"Then spin it." said the voice and opposite the soul appeared a wheel with various inscriptions of different worlds and some he knew.


"It's good that I don't have any nerves in this state, otherwise I would have bitten all my nails," the thought flashed through my soul.

"But the fact that I feel strange at all is a fact... there is no hysteria, no shock... as if I am under something."

The soul spun the wheel and cast its gaze into a small, seemingly teasing luminous arrow.

"The world of the Worm... God forbid, it's good that it's not this world, I know almost nothing about it. Hero Academia... it would be nice, a very peaceful world if you don't take into account the villains. It's better than... Naruto, also okay. Warhammer's world? It's better to hang yourself right away..." the soul commented on all the more or less familiar worlds that it saw. And now the arrow began to slowly stop and…

"DC world, or rather one of many." said the voice. "This is a world of SSS rank."

"Um, maybe we should go back to the Hero Academia? " somehow the soul uttered in a dejected voice.

"It's good that you feel so at ease... but no, the choice was made. There are many powerful beings out there, but it's not the version of the world you think it is. There may or may not be some creatures from the Prime version, as you call it."

"Are you sure I won't be killed by some defender of the Earth when I appear?"

"No. The world has been chosen, and you are ALREADY inscribed in its history not as someone who came from outside, but as someone who was born there. You already have a body, a story, and a life there. Consider that you will inhabit yourself, but someone who would live a little differently, because you would have different memories, and therefore, perhaps, personalities. Now is the time for strength."

"Oh, okay... the hope that this is just a dream still lingers in my... my soul, yes. " the soul grumbled and the wheel spun again.

"Sharingan... Kryptonian genes... the Power of Love? Manipulating reality... there are so many different powers, if I'm lucky, I can immediately become more or less strong and fit into history. Not that I really wanted it, because this world is constantly on the verge of death, and I never liked Batman's company. No, it's okay to follow your 'internal code', even to some extent it's welcome, but you don't need to fall into insanity at all... and that's exactly what Batman does. It seems to me that of all his enemies, he is the most crazy on his head."

"Is that... a Gacha?" if the soul could stare, it would do it.

"Hmm, are you lucky... or is the will of the Almighty involved here?" said a being who himself can be the Supreme for very, very many beings.

"This is the "Universal Gacha" and it is also of a high SSS level, it has literally everything except EX level."

"That's... encouraging." the soul said, still not understanding whether to rejoice or not because the soul of the gacha has never been carried away.

"That's all, the world is chosen as well as the power. Good luck on your way." said the creature and the soul did not have time to come to its senses as abruptly it seemed to be sucked into the pipe and all semblance of vision that had was gone.


Consciousness returned as abruptly as it had fallen into darkness as if someone had flipped a switch.

There was no feeling of pain, only a slight numbness in the arms and legs. While the body was lying on something soft, the mind processed the memories. More precisely, the memories were already present, but the new tenant was trying to realize what was happening.

As that being said, this... let's say my other self and I was similar in some views, in appearance, and some habits. But his story differs from mine very much. I am the original, I remember myself as a native of Massachusetts with quite loving parents. My father was from one of the CIS countries, but my mother was from the USA.

By my nineteen birthday, I knew three languages Russian, English, and Polish. The first is because my father love for this country and relatives, and the last is because of a friend. In general, my life was not unusual, I grew up in a family with a good income, and I had friends, one girl with whom it did not grow together in the end.

In general, nothing special, I also loved games, and some anime, and in recent years I have become hooked on all sorts of books, fan-fiction, manga, and so on. It didn't stop me from studying and going out with friends... that's all there is to know. Now I am sure of it because I have a second "array" of memories.

Now my new name is Anthony Joseph Luthor or simply "Tony", I am nineteen years old and... yes, I am the younger brother of a famous criminal genius and enemy of Superman number one.

'I' was born in the family of Lionel and Letitia Luthor, quite a wealthy family ... but the childhood was not very good because of the cruel father and mother, who tried not to pay attention to it. Lex Luthor, my older brother, is now the head of a company that is rapidly gaining momentum, but still not that huge multinational corporation from comics. And yes, my parents here died in an accident, and after that Lex began to get rich very quickly because of the insurance policy that he received for them sometime before their death.

My local self was somewhat apathetic, and as Anthony grew older, he realized that the world was not a rosy place, especially he realized when his older brother left him with a sick sister, taking all the money. And yes, I have a sister here - Lena Luther, and about the age of twelve she was diagnosed with a disease that made it difficult for her to walk, and now she is completely confined to a wheelchair.

Treatment is expensive and we don't have that kind of money yet, and we don't have to wait for help from Lex... it's a shame because I lived this whole new life, and I can't help but perceive him not as a relative ... distant, but still.

"Oh, shit"

it burst out of me as soon as I opened my eyes and saw the blanket in front of me. I was now lying in my bedroom in an apartment in Metropolis, a city in the USA, where "Superman" trades, although this name is not yet known.

My sister and I settled down quite well in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city, yet ... here "I" was smarter than the last me ... apparently genes. My sister is also very smart, however, I did not doubt it, so she works remotely via a laptop, however, I also sometimes work as a web designer, and sometimes I just create programs. My sister and I have the same age, that is, we are nineteen years old. And both of us are still studying at Metropolis University.

I don't even know exactly how to position myself now... either I am me, just with an additional set of knowledge, or I stole the body of my parallel self. I will hope that the first option is not worth thinking too much about this.

- "Hm."

I got out of bed... yes, it's definitely my body, only slightly tighter because of Anthony's lifestyle. Opening the door, I went into the kitchen and, with a familiar movement of my hand, I wanted to open the refrigerator, but I noticed my reflection in a small mirror just above the handle.

"Why did you wake up so early?" a melodious female voice was heard.


I smiled at the sight of my sister and a new feeling blossomed in my heart... I didn't have a sister and to feel boundless love for her is something new for me. I loved my sister very much because she remained the only person close to him.

By the way, now I can see from the outside why she often wanted me to walk more often and just make acquaintances... she thinks that I'm wasting my potential by being near her. After all, she considers herself a cripple and only a ballast for me... last one I didn't even think about this, but the current one… it made me sad that she could think like that.

"Oh, wow, why are you doing this?" the girl smiled when I came up and bent down hugged her, and hugged her tightly, thereby slightly lifting her from the stroller.

Anthony had been saving money for her treatment, but he had not yet collected even a third of the required amount for the operation.

"I just love you ..." I honestly said what I feel.

How everything changed dramatically, so I lived my life and didn't think much about anything, how I died, ended up somewhere, got strength and moved to another world where I have a beloved sister .... the plot for some movie.