Chapter 11 - Spells

There is no good morning, words that I have heard quite often. But at the moment it didn't mean anything to me, because I woke up two hours earlier than usual and felt just fine.

Albedo (B) (4%)

During the day, the percentage of assimilation increased by three percent, but as Stark's assimilation shows, the more I do what the "character" himself did, the faster assimilation goes with him. Besides, even these four percent were enough for me to feel magic besides the earth. I didn't have any core inside my body, why if Albedo was, in fact, a grown homunculus with an innate sense of magic and its elements? But that's where the problems start.

I thought that four percent should be enough to start using exactly what I've been thinking about for the last few days magic! After all, magic is a tool that has almost limitless possibilities, at least it seemed so to me, a person who has only heard about magic from various works of art. And I decided to try the elementary magic of manipulating the earth and for this, I took a pot in which a flower grew. And…

"It's not working." I came to this conclusion. I feel like I have a sixth sense of the earth in the pot, but I can't do anything. And then it dawned on me, because Albedo himself, like a blessing from God, made it possible to use such magic. Going into the Gacha inventory, I found the "Eye of God" there. An artifact that made it possible to use elemental magic.

When it appeared in my hand, I felt... as if the restrictions had been lifted. I can't say for sure that this was the case with Albedo himself, because Gacha herself could change everything for me.

"Now it's a different feeling. " I exhaled when the earth in the pot rose, and I also felt much better parts of the house, which in some sense are also from the "earth", nothing serious can be done in the apartment, but soon he will have a lot of space for experiments and a lot of funds for this.

In the morning Lena and I went to the university, where we separated again. Judging by the information obtained by Cortana, Lex paid half the amount so that my sister and I would be eliminated in about a week, and he would send the second amount when the work was done. That is, there is nothing to worry about now, especially since I will deal with him once and for all in the evening. As I knew that he would try to do something, so he confirmed his asshole.

Cortana did not take her "gaze" off him, so I was more or less confident in today's operation. I often looked into the Chat where the correspondence was conducted, Erina nevertheless stepped over her pride and again asked Rias about some fruits or vegetables from her world that would not be dangerous for an ordinary person. In addition, Gremory herself was interested in magic from Hermione's world and, I must say, now that I feel magic, I also became interested.

After passing the tests with the professors, I went back to the house with my sister and started experimenting. Still, I had a magic wand, but I hadn't been able to do anything with it before.

"There was no such effect before." speaking, I felt that the handle of the wand got hot as soon as it got into my hand. Intuitively, I realized that it works and suits me.

" Accio, pen." I said, not really bothering with the right movement, but the magic seemed to be programmed into the wand and from it, I felt the spell work and the pen flew up in my direction quickly enough that I had to pick it up straight in front of me so that it wouldn't hit me in the face. These four percent of the experience of a person who is familiar with magic firsthand helped me a lot because without it I strongly doubt that I would be able to use wand magic like that.

I couldn't remember more spells from Hermione's world, so I decided to contact her personally. Of course, it was possible to view the "Real Memory", but it's better to get spells directly from a person who lives in this world.

Anthony (Administrator): Hermione, could you send me a couple of spell books? I have a wand from your world, but I don't really remember the spells.

Rias Gremory: Tony-kun, are you a magician?

Anthony (Administrator): Partly, and also partly an alchemist and swordsman, well, a scientist-engineer.

Rias Gremory: What a versatile person you are. Demon magic in my world is very useful and partly built on imagination and willpower, but even to me, some spells seem very specific from her world.

Anthony (Administrator): Your magic is more than useful. You, in fact, can increase your physical characteristics many times with your demonic power, in general, a very useful and multifaceted force ... which many of the Upper Class do not develop in any way.

Rias Gremory: ... As unpleasant as it would be to say this, I agree... if it weren't for the Chat and the conversation with you, I would continue to hope for a miracle or my brother.

Rias Gremory: I watched the second "Real Memory" and... I have no words. If everything is going to be like this, then you need to prepare.

Anthony (Administrator): Are you not going to tell your brother about this?

Rias Gremory: I don't see the point for now. There will be a lot of uncomfortable questions if I tell him directly about the possible future.

Shinoa Hiragi: There is a certain attraction between you.

Rias Gremory: Shinoa-chan... what are you talking about?

Shinoa Hiragi: About your relationship with Tony-kun, you communicate with each other the most. Well, maybe also with Erina, but she's turned on food.

Anthony (Administrator): By the way, you've been writing a lot lately, too. Are you following the new guy to your squad?

Shinoa Hiragi: ... The realization that someone knows your possible future is somewhat alarming. Tony-kun, do you know who I'm going to lose my virginity with?

Rias Gremory: ...

Anthony (Administrator): No, I don't have such information.

Hermione Granger: I go back to the Chat and see perversions…

Hermione Granger: Yes, I can send spell books for the first, second, and third years. Just please return it after reading it.

Anthony (Administrator): No problems.

Hermione Granger: Sent "Anthony (Administrator)" a message by personal mail.

I saw a pop-up window and clicking on it, three books appeared there. As soon as I mentally clicked on them, three weighty books appeared in front of me.

"Cortana, could you scan and memorize all the important spells from these books?" I asked out loud, and then I chose a nanosuit in Gachi's inventory and he appeared next to me.

"You want me to use a high-tech nanosuit as a... printer?" The AI's voice sounded.

"Well, I don't need to print anything, but I can save it on my laptop's hard drive. It's not difficult for you, is it?"

"No, it's not difficult." I heard the click of her fingers... she's probably doing it for effect or I don't even know why she needs it. After that, the suit started moving, and took the books from my hands and started scanning each page, and I went back to the Chat.

Anthony (Administrator): Many thanks to Hermy) As soon as I scan everything, I will return it.

Hermione Granger: Will you scan it?

Anthony (Administrator): Sent a photo

But the photo showed a nanosuit that stood in the middle of the room and from its visors, the light shone on the book that he was holding in his hands.

Anthony (Administrator): It won't take long, I think. Do you want something in return? Don't hesitate to ask.

Hermione Granger: How did you get a wand from... from my world? So you're a magician too? Does magic work on the same principle?

Shinoa Hiragi: It's clear why she originally had " Know-it-all" instead of her name.

Anthony (Administrator): She's just very inquisitive.

Anthony (Administrator): Hermie, I got the wand from the Spatial Store. I have access to things from your worlds. I just decided to try and I succeeded, apparently because of the wand. I only used one spell, "Accio". And yes, I am also a magician and quite strong, in any case, Dumbledore and Voldemort should not be a problem for me.

I wrote and thought a little. I wrote the truth mixed with my guesses because when assimilation is 100%, I strongly doubt these two magicians will be able to do anything to me. Of course, if I don't fall into some kind of trap and the killer doesn't fly into me. After all, Avada kedavra, as far as I know, knocks the soul out of the body... and if such a spell hits me, I don't even know what will happen.

Will Albedo's capabilities be enough to keep my soul intact? Still, some spells are in a sense... broken, in Harry Potter. The killer will kill Superman without any problems, and some demons from the world of Rias, too. Although I doubt about stronger demons, they have demonic power and their aura, which may well resist.

Anthony (Administrator): Magic doesn't exactly work on the same principle, although there are many similarities. For example, we also have magic inherited from relatives, parents, and so on. But in my world, such people are no longer people, that is, not Homo Sapiens, but a parallel line to them Homo Magus. Also, wands are not required for witchcraft here, I'm just interested in magic from your world, so I'm interested. But I don't need a wand for this, I can do magic without it. If there are no movements or words at all, then I get the magic of the Earth the best.

Hermione Granger: Aren't you exaggerating?..

Anthony (Administrator): Hermie, have you still not realized how strong creatures can be? There are a lot of creatures in the world of Rias, to whom demolishing a whole mountain is like blowing a lock of your hair out of your eyes for you. That is very easy. There are more than enough of them in my world, and those who can destroy the planet too…

Hermione Granger: I... I need to think about it.

Hermione Granger: Exited the Chat

After spending some more time chatting with Rias and Shinoa, I decided to do magic. Especially after using magic, my assimilation with Albedo increased from four percent to five.

During the experiments, I was able to find out that I can't use magic from Hermione's world without a wand, unless, of course, an analog without a wand has been created, which I don't know how to do yet. But everything works with the wand, I checked this on the spell I need most soon Confundus, that is, disorienting. But to make sure that the spell works, it needs to be checked by a person, which I decided to do later in the evening.

"Alexander Luthor has returned from a meeting, and he is very unhappy." Cortana told me. Now I was wearing a nanosuit and walking around the room to get used to the sensations. "At the meeting, two people had a phone with them, so I was able to listen to what they were talking about. Investors are dissatisfied with the fact that recently "superman" was able to leave again in one of the skirmishes with the government helicopters, and even the latest developments of LexCorp did not help, and because of this, profits fell slightly."

"Is that the whole reason? That's because they are greedy for money ..." I said quickly looking through the reports sent to me on the visors by Cortana. The projected losses will be about one hundred and eighty million dollars, which is not much and this is the cost of one and a half of the newest aircraft from LexCorp, another thing is that the reputation due to contact with the military and such results of the company will drop a little. However, I'm sure Lex himself understands that these are just attempts by the government to put a little pressure on him. After all, the red-blue spot has been hunted by the military for years and nothing has come of it.

Turning on the invisibility mode, I got out through the window and it was exciting. I clearly had an accelerated pulse from my actions, yet I am already clearly stronger than a human because of the Albedo, so also the suit ... so I was able to get to the roof of the building without any problems and after jumping to overcome tens of meters between buildings. The disguise, of course, is not perfect and in the daytime, you can see my silhouette in a nanosuit, but it's night, plus I used muggle-repellent charms ... only I'm not sure that they will work. And Cortana made sure that no camera caught me.

I went down to Earth not far from the main building of the company in the center of Metropolis, but before that, I decided to go into an alley with obviously some law-abiding citizens who were discussing their desire to go to paradise for criminals, that is, to Gotham.

"Eh, what kind of shit... am I the only one who sees this?" one of the three rubbed his eyes, looking in my direction, and I turned off the disguise and appeared almost in front of them.

" Eh? What are you talking about?" the other turned around and looked for a while as if through me, but after that, his eyes were filled with the awareness that someone was standing in front of him.

"Confundus." I said softly pointing at one of them with my wand and repeating the spell two more times, and more than one did not have time to understand anything before they just stood in place and looked ahead with unfocused eyes.

"You want to help your city and start a new life without crimes." I said, and each of the three repeated my words, and soon they seemed to begin to regain meaning, but by that time I had turned on the disguise and disappeared again.

The three of them stood still for some time and then began to talk to each other about the idea that came into their heads about helping the city. Well, the suggestion works. I only doubt that suggestion will work against people with a strong will, but the very fact of disorientation will definitely be, because of magic.