Chapter 15 - Awkward Possibilities

To realize that you are currently a superman with magic and other capabilities and not have time to experiment is still torture. Especially when a certain scarlet-haired woman sends photos via Chat, where you can see how something pierced through the hill.

Becoming the head of a developing and quite profitable company is not bad, but in the first days, it was necessary to meet with many people and check a lot of papers, which takes more than a lot of time. But at the moment I'm finally free and now I'm heading to one of the underground complexes under the engineering department of LexCorp. My sister and I had already checked this place, so I knew that tracking systems and other sensors had not yet been installed there.

"So, finally. " I took out a medallion from the Gacha inventory and immediately felt as if the "window" to magic had opened completely, thereby giving access to this very energy. The very fact that I am very limited without the divine "trinket" somewhat blurred the picture for the worse, but these feelings quickly went behind the background.

Now I was several tens of meters underground in an almost completed complex, Lex here wanted to create something like a secret laboratory with various studies of a different nature. One of the rooms was very spacious and that's where I decided to stay. In general, this place was perfect for me at the moment, so I finally, without fear of "getting burned", did what many fantasy lovers would write with boiling water. I stamped on the floor and at the same moment, a fairly large column of the earth came out of the ground, which seemed to crackle with force from within.

"..." a smile crept onto my face by itself and in the next second the earth literally floated under me, I was not limited in manipulating the earth, so I had no problems making it take off and form different geometric shapes.

This ability is very good, especially since, even without fully assimilating with Albedo, I could manipulate a huge amount of the earth. I felt the ground hundreds of meters around me and could just as easily navigate standing on the ground, I feel all the vibrations.

Albedo (In) (16%)

The last few days I could not pay much attention to these forces, so assimilation was slow. But as soon as I had a couple of minutes to enjoy my strength, assimilation increased from fourteen percent to sixteen.

Creating huge stone blocks, I jumped on them with force and drove my fist into them without fear of injury. Under my hands, even the stone strengthened by my magic shattered, and that's only sixteen percent! And this does not mean that I have almost two-tenths of strength, because each percentage is "stronger" than the previous one.

It is difficult to realize this in the right direction, but the difference between ten percent and eleven is like between a child of ten and a teenager of sixteen, that is, not an eleven-year-old child, which would be logical based on percentages, namely a teenager. In general, it's almost a geometric progression.

I felt that if I wanted to, I could destroy the whole complex in a couple of seconds by simply filling it up with earth, and metals are also included in the concept of "earth". I think no one expects that a metal pin will form from the ground in less than a second. But, of course, there are limitations too. For example, it is difficult to manipulate metal when there is simply no metal around you... but it is very easy when you can literally create it from ordinary earth with the help of alchemy.

Creating pure gold from ordinary earth is a very strange feeling. It's like I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing... because my brain might just burn out because of such reflections. When I started using alchemy, assimilation reached twenty percent, which greatly expanded my capabilities.

I knew how to create not only different metals from ordinary earth, I had a vague feeling that I would soon "remember" how to create various ingredients for all sorts of potions, elixirs and pills, and other potions. And... the possibility of creating life is not very far away, because Albedo himself, as far as I know, could quite achieve this.

Manipulation of the matter is one of the possibilities of alchemy, which in turn opens up unimaginable possibilities. The restructuring of the cellular structure, and even on a living organism, if there is enough energy, that is, with one touch you can turn a person into an animal or some kind of monster. In addition, manipulation of energies is also possible, even if it is more complicated. The art of Khemia is exactly what Albedo alchemy was different from most others, and it focuses on creating life.

"Unbelievable ..." with a sigh, I burst out realizing the prospects of my powers already. Alchemy worked without the "Eye of God", but several times weaker, since this divine artifact, in addition to magic, strengthens the soul itself and gives resistance to many influences, mental ones among others. But it's still not nice that access to a part of the force is given only if the artifact is on me, there are still different cases, so I climbed into the Gachi inventory and one card caught my eye.

The Card of Getting Rid of Weakness (B)

Judging by the description, this card gets rid of one "weakness" of a particular characteristic in my physical or magical skills. But that's not all, it's not necessary to use the card on myself, so theoretically I can use it on someone else. For example, to rid a Kryptonian of a weakness for kryptonite, but this is an example since I'm not sure that there will be enough in the rank. But for me at the moment, this may be enough, because Albedo is listed as a character in the B rank.

After taking out this card, I immediately decided to apply it, keeping in mind what kind of weakness I want to get rid of, namely, an artifact that needs to be constantly worn around my neck and in a prominent place, otherwise its effects weaken if I hide it under my clothes. As soon as I said it out loud with the card in my hand, it flashed with a small glow and disappeared, and the artifact itself began to melt, as if under a high temperature. I didn't feel any pain, so I just stood there and watched as the artifact completely melted and seemed to pull into my shoulder and become a tattoo.

"Convenient." I couldn't help but admit. Now there is, in fact, no artifact, there is only a tattoo, and then it is only an external sign of the once-existing Eye of God. I feel that the forces available to me have not decreased by a single gram, so I was pleased with the result.

Albedo (B) (28%)

"Tony, you need to sign Form T503 as one of the directors." as soon as I went back to the main building and took the elevator to my sister's office, I saw Lena working at her desk.

"Is this about the final purchase of a building in Gotham?" I asked, remembering what this form is for.

"Yeah, Lex has already paid most of the cost and there are only some touches left and this is one of them." Lena said and tore her gaze away from the computer screen. "Where have you been?" she asked curiously.

"Do you remember the underground laboratory?" after waiting for the girl's nod, I continued. "That's where I was, examining it and thinking about how best to use it. But there are no new ideas yet. But at the expense of the entire engineering department, I decided to get a job there. I've been wanting to make something for a long time." I rubbed my hand together with a smile.

"Do you really know how?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, I was able to finish several semesters of the university in a couple of days for a reason. Our company is not particularly seriously engaged in energy, although it is a very profitable business. Therefore, I think I will try to correct this misunderstanding and raise our reputation in this industry."

"Energy? Why energy?"

"Well, Wayne Enterprises hasn't popped in there yet, so we already have a good chance to gain a foothold in this industry, if everything goes as I expect." I walked around my sister and put my hands on her shoulders and began to knead them. " Hope you wound not overworking?"

Good time for ask... the girl snorted and relaxed under my hands. "I now understand why many directors often look so bad... because there is not always enough time even for sleep."

"That's why there are all kinds of assistants... and the board of directors. But now it's just the two of us here, so the load has fallen on us. Do you want me to help with your part? It's not difficult for me."

"How did you sort out your documents so quickly?" it was hard not to catch a note of curiosity.

"Maybe talent?" I said uncertainly. "How is Mercy?"

"Does her job more than well, so I have no complaints. If only she had looked at me with a more... kind look."

"Yeah, I felt it when I passed by her workplace, but she does her job very well. " I nodded, agreeing with my sister. " By the way, have you talked to the head doctor of LexCorp Medical?" I asked about the branch of the company connected with medicine, it is also partially connected with the complex of biotechnologies.

"This is..." I felt the girl's shoulders stiffen, so I turned her chair so that she was in front of my face. "Don't look at me like that ..." the girl covered her face with her hands.

" How so"?

"With pity... that's enough for me. There are so many people there who are surprised that a disabled person has become the head of this company." she breathed out and was clearly going to say something else, but I interrupted her by hugging her.

"Don't listen to these narrow-minded people, soon you will be able to walk again, I am more than sure." I said, and it reminded me again... that I would soon be able to cure her with my own hands. Alchemy will help me with this because it is much easier to fix her ailment with her legs than to create a fully living body, which Albedo could do at the peak of his strength. At the moment, with twenty-eight percent assimilation, I have no opportunities for this, only a distant feeling that it is possible, but when the assimilation will be closer to completion.

"Anthony, I've been to the doctor... his prognosis is not rosy." the girl grinned, but ... in this laugh, besides resentment at injustice, there was also a certain acceptance. " Past doctors apparently wanted to cash in on us or just tried to cheer me up. This one said that the chance is very, very minimal, we can say that there is none. In addition, judging by the results of some tests, my condition will gradually deteriorate. Not now, but in a couple of years." at the end, tears appeared in her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I knew she was going to be examined, but I didn't think it would be so bad. In my voice, the girl could not help but catch my sincere concern.

"I... I was afraid... t-that you'd leave me too." Lena's hands tightened on me, as if afraid that I would leave now.

"Lena... we have a "superman" flying literally outside the window, who can shoot lasers from his eyes and jump higher than skyscrapers. Neither bullets nor tank shells take him, in addition, a crocodile man walks into the same Gotham, and more and more changed people appear. I am more than sure that we will find something that can cure you..." I said, fighting the urge to sit down and tell her everything about the Chat. I feel like the last beast, but... it's likely to cause more problems than good. It's one thing if she finds out about magic, it won't be as surprising as a Chat linking several worlds... and by "worlds" I mean not even one universe.

"Hmm, you know how to calm down." the girl grinned, but in her eyes, as soon as she pulled away a little, I could see fear and uncertainty. So I acted quite impulsively…

" What are you... mmm." I felt a wonderful softness with my lips and saw my sister's eyes widen in shock and obvious misunderstanding. The second dragged on for a very long time, perhaps for my current consciousness it was exactly that, or perhaps it was just a deceptive feeling of something forbidden and at the same time very attractive.

When I first saw Lena, I thought of her as a beautiful girl, the last Anthony loved his sister, and sometimes something so... forbidden slipped through there, but I strongly doubt that something would come of it. It's just that the past Anthony would have locked these feelings even deeper in his heart, but I... I just couldn't resist, couldn't stop myself, and... and now I feel great.

In this kiss, I tried to show how important she is as the person closest to me, as the one I need, as a sister, and as... a girl. He was not too "lustful", but rather closer to the sensual, conveying sincere concern, and not the desire to attack the female like an animal.

An explosion of emotions, it was with these words that I could characterize the myriad expressions that flashed across Lena's face, especially in her wonderful eyes, in which I could not help but drown. But the moment went on, and no matter how much I wanted to stop time to enjoy it longer, the girl's hands lay on my chest, and I felt a weak resistance, so I had to pull away.

"..." I didn't know what to say as soon as our lips parted.

"Tony..." Lena said, lowering her eyes. "I-it's just emotions, you found out about me... I don't want you to think about it a lot. Brother, let's... just forget this moment of emotional weakness." she said at the end more confidently, as if she believed in her words.

" Lena." I licked my lips feeling the taste of a beautiful girl standing in front of me on them. "I'm sorry if so suddenly I…"

"I need to keep working. " the girl swallowed and looked at the monitor. "I think you need to go, you wanted to do the engineering department."


"Tony, don't. Just go." the girl seemed afraid to look at me, which made me feel a phantom pain in the heart area.

"Well, if anything, you know where to find me." I smiled wryly and went to the exit. This impulse was too stupid and impulsive, I just couldn't restrain myself. I hope I didn't scare her, otherwise, she's thinking of something... a little later she will need to visit the girl again. Taking a last look over my shoulder, I saw her with a calm face working at the computer. Sighing, I headed for the elevator.