Chapter 24 - Debriefing

The victory over Cynder was not that easy for me, but I can't say that I used all my trump cards. For example, I never pulled out my sword from the Eighth Metal. But even so, I wasted half of my reserves on this whole brawl. Defending against the magic fire of such power is not particularly easy.

"Cortana, I need a picture of what is happening around me." I said to the AI and soon a holographic screen appeared in front of me, and I could see everything that was happening around in an area of about four hundred meters.

I could see some Grimms, so I decided to do another "workout". I concentrated on my magic and saw through the screen how a small stone spike pierced the head of Beowulf, who simply did not expect an attack from below.

I didn't stop there and concentrated on my sense of the earth so that the next moment I would tear the Grimm apart with stone spikes. All the Grimms within the radius of my sensitivity began to die a very quick and not very beautiful death.


- "Hm." didn't know what to say to Crowe, looking at how the Grimm he was going to attack was simply torn apart by earthen tentacles. Moreover, there were several of them here and they all died a very unpleasant death.

"These are the new ones, right?" Glinda said, adjusting her glasses. "Pyrrha, how are you feeling?" she asked one of the students of the academy, whom they met when they ran up to the communication tower.

"I will live." a pale girl with bruises under her eyes forced a smile.

"How's Tony?" she was obviously more interested in this question than her own health.

"If you're talking about that light show they had with that hot lady, then I do not know. They fell somewhere in the city... although here the Semblance associated with the earth is clearly his, so he should be fine." Red-eye said.

"Ozpin, where are you..." said the blonde. There were signs of a battle under the tower and they found his cane there, but... there were no bodys.

"You know exactly where he is." Crowe said. "We are returning to the evacuation site, there is nothing more for us to do here."


"... we have evacuated the hunters and the academy is empty at the moment. The culprits of the incident are still unknown, but those who took control of the Atlas ship are Roman Torchwick and his accomplice Neopolitan. Both are now in the cells in some kind of stone wrapper." A man in an Atlas uniform said standing in front of the general.

"How many personnel survived?" General Ironwood asked an important question. If it is unpleasant to lose android knights because of their cost, but it is far from critical, then human losses are very painful for the general. There aren't many people left anyway.

"Seven hundred and fifty-three people survived. Half of them have minor bruises, but nothing serious. Twenty-three people are in serious condition. Ten people died." the man reported.

"Have you predicted how many would survive a full-fledged ship crash?" the general decided to ask an important question. He is more than glad that everything turned out to be a small loss, but even so, this is something that should not have happened.

They might have brought three warships with them, but there weren't too many people on board, at least military ones. Mostly maintenance staff. The most disgusting thing is that they could be hacked, the latest security systems were hacked by a thief and his accomplice!

"..Not much." The man swallowed and replied. "No one expected that their androids would open fire on them, so the losses would be significant. Very." he emphasized the latter in a tone.

"I'll have to thank this Tony." The general said slowly.

He didn't know who this guy was, he couldn't even find any records about him or anyone else from his company. Let the paranoid inside him want to be outraged, but he suppressed this feeling with logic. They helped, damn helped, and reduced losses to a minimum.

He also saw the battle in the sky and this fiery force, this is what Ozpin was talking about. The power of the Maiden of Autumn. However, he knew about the Maidens for a long time and he has a Winter maiden under his protection, and if he was able to fight with her on par, then he is a very good hunter. Plus, according to eyewitnesses, he was able to collect a Penny, which is already being examined by its creator and at the same time by his father.


"A clumsy... " the platinum blonde muttered softly to herself, straightening the blanket on her teammate's body. After that strange snow-white light spewing from Ruby's eyes, she immediately lost consciousness.

Weiss still blames herself for being scared the moment she saw Yang... and her hand. While she was staring at the injured Yang, Shinoa was fighting the red-haired psycho and even winning! She didn't want to admit it, but this girl with the scythe was a very good fighter... very much so. And why are all the oddities and problems from girls with a scythe?!

Fortunately, Blake recovered faster and came to help Yang, which she soon did. Aura wouldn't let her die from bleeding, but she still needed help. And now Ruby was lying in a private room at the Vale Hospital, and Yang was lying next to her behind the curtain.

What happened was a terrible tragedy for the whole of Vale and her father had already called her with a clear desire to take her away from here, as the situation here is ambiguous. Weiss resisted it as much as she could, but... Beacon won't work for a long time.

"Where are my girls? My babies?!" she heard when someone entered the ward. This "someone" turned out to be a tall, blue-eyed blonde with disheveled hair.

"Who are you... " - she wanted to ask, but she didn't have time to blink her eyes as the man was near her friend's bed.

"Oh, my little Ruby..." he closed his eyes after making sure that one of his daughters was fine, and then went to the second.

"Um, I'll probably go... " she jumped out of the room and bumped into a worried sister. "Winter!" (Picture)

"Weiss, don't raise your voice." The girl said sternly, which made Weiss lower her head, but the next second she felt a strong embrace. "I was worried about you. Are you okay? Not hurt?"

"N-no, I'm not." She shook her head and timidly took her long braid of hair in her hand.

"Good." Winter nodded and relaxed a little.

"Oh, it turns out you're not as heartless a bitch as I thought." An annoying voice spoke, and Winter frowned slightly but answered without turning around:

"Crowe go where you were going."

"I'm going... I need to move my nieces back home." he said a little more benevolently. And immediately entered the ward to the girls.

"What can you say about those strangers?" her older sister asked the question after she and Weiss moved away from the wards.

"You mean Shinoa?" The heiress of Schnee slightly furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes, and her." her older sister nodded. "Two girls in iron armor, a girl with red hair named Rias, a girl with a scythe." here the sister's look became a little accusatory as if she had too many acquaintances with a scythe. "And Tony, who was able to return control of the ship to us and capture two dangerous criminals."

"I... don't know much. I saw him briefly, Ruby has known him longer." Weiss found something to answer.

"I see." her sister said and fell silent.

"Do you... do you suspect them of something?" Having plucked up the courage, she asked her sister.

"Classified information." Winter said without batting an eye, but she thought a little and continued. "... No, they helped, and the general wants to thank them. Shinoa doesn't say anything and just smiles and says that she is waiting for the "Administrator-Kun", this, however, also applies to the others."


"And how are you?" I ask Rias and the others after I got rid of the Grimm in the neighborhood. Even tested his sword on them and he cuts them like butter, that is, very well. No matter how hard they try to defend themselves, he cuts through their flesh and their bone armor as if they never existed. Behind me, the stone ball in which Synder was imprisoned levitated.

"Okay, it was an interesting experience. All these fighting robots and Grimm. There were even a couple of strong ones. " Shinoa said without changing her face, although from the tone of her voice it could be said that she was restraining herself from smiling.

Now we were on the edge of the evacuation zone at the Beacon and there were Atlas soldiers not far from us. Still, I cleared the territory of the Grimm, so there should be no more problems, and Cortana returned control of the ships to the general.

"It was like hunting Stray Devils... a huge number of Stray Devils." Rias spoke out and straightened her hair with an elegant movement. "It was a very good workout, I was almost caught off guard a couple of times." she said as if she didn't want to admit it.

"I saw you quickly fly into the air with a panicked expression on your face when a Grimm crept up on you." covering her mouth with her hand, Shinoa said, and most likely she couldn't hold back a grin right now.

" Hey! There was nothing like that." The demon clan princess spoke out proudly, not at all embarrassed... almost.

"Who's blushing here?" The purple-haired woman continued, and Rias's cheeks flushed a little red. "Besides, you should have seen how proud she was of herself when she helped people, there was a feeling as if this very pride could be collected with buckets from her."

"Shinoa"! Rias turned to her with anger on her pretty face, clenched fists, and redness in the neck area also said that the girl did not intend to stop blushing yet.

"What about me? I'm nothing." she went into "unconsciousness" as if she hadn't said anything like that, and in general, she's a good girl.

"Hermione, I see you've started doing what you love again reading." I said to the brown-haired girl, who did not dare to take off her armor, but took the top off and bared her head. In her hands, she had a scroll, a local analog of telephones, and there she clearly thought something interesting.

"Yeah." the girl nodded. "I'm trying to reduce the likelihood of hysteria this way." She glanced at me briefly and returned her attention to the scroll.

"Erina." I sat down next to the girl, who also did not take off her armor completely and followed the example of the sorceress. "Are you sure everything is fine?"

"Except that it's like I've been in a horror movie and had a hand in killing those Grimms... and seen... an a-a lot of things." she hesitated for a moment. " That's all right."

"We didn't manage to get to know each other normally at the beginning, we were immediately thrown into the fire, so to speak." I said, examining the girls.

"Do you like what you see?" Shinoa asked without changing her face, sitting on a piece of what used to be most likely the concrete part of the Academy. And she was sitting in such a way that her place was barely covered by a skirt and if a breeze had blown, anyone would have noticed her panties.

"Shame ..". Granger whispered softly, pursing her lips.

"Your actions often remind me of Akeno, I think it would be dangerous for you to meet." Rias shook her head, even though there was a soft smile on her face. "We seem to have coped with the mission. " the demoness said casually.

"Yes, but it lasts two days... so it won't be possible to return so quickly. " I said, looking around the "team". "We will need to find a place of residence for these two days, well, and talk, get to know each other better."

A man in an Atlas uniform came up to us.

"General Ironwood asks you to come aboard for a conversation" he said with the utmost politeness. Moreover, he constantly squinted at the levitating piece of rock, at least that's how it looks from the outside.

"General Ironwood?" Shinoa tilted her head.

"An important person." I said, looking at her and she nodded seriously… which looked touching. "Yes, of course, if we are asked, then why not talk? You don't mind, do you?" I looked at my companions.

"I'm behind the administrator-Kun." the first one said a girl with a magical scythe in which an ancient vampire imagines himself to be, if not a god, then somewhere close. Although, as far as I understand, he is "sleeping" now.

"Me too." Hermione took a timid step. She felt strange because of a man in uniform and lowered herself against his background. Something like he's an adult and should know better.

"Hmm." Erina will also come with us because she doesn't want to be left alone.

"Tony-kun, are you sure we need to talk to someone... like the general?" decided to ask Gremory anyway, who may not have realized, but relied very much on my decisions. Perhaps the realization that she is here alone in the world, in the sense that her friends and family remained in another, so affects her.

"Why not." I shrugged my shoulders. "We didn't do anything wrong anyway.

"Don't worry about it. And I will add on my own that I am very grateful to you. If it wasn't for you, my brother on the ship could have died." this officer sincerely said, well, or what military ranks there are.

"Then it's settled. And yes, there's a prisoner here." I pointed to the floating "earth ball". "Tell the general that she is the one who fought with me in the sky." I said, and the man nodded seriously and went to pass on the information. We went to the bullhead, that is, to the flying transport.

"We can fly to this ship on our own." said Shinoa, who probably enjoyed flying on my back.

"It's not decent. It's better not to make people even more nervous." I expressed my point of view when we were already seated in the vehicle.

The pilot was a little unnerved by the floating piece of rock next to the aircraft, but I assured him that everything would be fine and he just nodded with a wry smile.