Chapter 29 - RWBY

The general's good mood began to slowly leave the down the drain. And this began to happen from the beginning of a conversation with the Atlas council, where bureaucrats and the like washed his bones, dipped his face for every "blemish inappropriate for Atlas", that is, that the terrorists somehow managed to gain control of his equipment and even capture one of the flagship ships.

Moreover, Jacques Schnee also decided to join this, as if he sensed prey and the opportunity to hurt the general's reputation. The same Jacques Schnee, with whom he had a normal conversation about the upcoming festival a month ago, however, he is honestly not surprised here.

Even the fact that his living and breathing body returned to him could not protect him from bureaucracy and listening to lamentations from the council, which he would gladly have sent far away, but ... it will not work.

"The cured people have already been explained about the latest Atlas technologies that you keep secret, and they have signed a non-disclosure document." the assistant informed him.

"Thank you Winter." the general thanked her and his thoughts turned towards the anomaly, someone who knew a lot and, as far as he could see, could really wield magic. The fact that, as Ozpin said, there is no more in this world except for the forces of Maidens and Salem.

A group of such people can be dangerous, but as his intuition persuaded him, you can have a dialogue with them and this is the main thing. Anthony Luthor, as their leader called himself, was a guy of about twenty, maybe older, it's hard to say for sure.

But according to his behavior and his knowledge ... in general, an ambiguous person who is positive towards him. What can the general say, after he cured his people and even him from the iron prison, he was ready to kiss him... within reason, yes. Even from someone who has lived for thousands of years, he has not seen such a "miracle".

Talking to him, he could not get rid of the thought that he was having a conversation with someone like Ozpin, however, it may be so. His abilities are more than indicative, and he will not do stupid things, especially since he does not see the point in it. There is no information about them and so far they have only helped.

"Has this Cinder recovered?"

"Yes, and she already tried to run, but she didn't succeed. Her fire... it's like it's soaking into the walls." Schnee explained a little uncertainly. How did such daughters come from someone like Jacques? However, this is not the time for such reflections.

"Come on, we need to talk to her and try to find out who she works for... although I can guess, but still." James took the key card with his good hand, which he was undoubtedly glad of, and headed out of the office.

Anthony has repeatedly hinted that he knows about Salem... and she is enemy number one. Ozpin didn't tell him anything, but he thought there was a reason for that... and if Oz was her husband, everything gets bad colors. No, he sincerely believes that Ozpin opposes the one, he saw it perfectly from his face and actions, but ... maybe he just doesn't want to fight to the end? It's hard to say, but perhaps a conversation with this young man will clarify something else.


"This little... is not responding." Weiss refrained from taunting, nervously holding the scroll in her hands.

As soon as the girl found out that I could really help her friend, she immediately decided to finish the job. We were now approaching Patch Island, which was located to the west of Vail.

"Maybe she hasn't come to her senses yet." I said softly.

A little further away from me were Rias and Hermione, who were discussing the difference in their magic. Hermione was very impressed by the fact that Rias doesn't need any wand, but only a fantasy to use magic. She had seen me conjure before, or rather manipulate the earth, but such a demonstration from a girl made her... more thoughtful.

"Most likely, I was just worried." The youngest of the Schnee sisters closed her eyes for a moment. "After the terrorist and Grimm attacks on Beacon... I don't even know what to think." the girl gasped. "Blake also behaved suspiciously nervous, even a little too much... and now she's completely disappeared!"

"Blake, is this one of your friends?"

"Yes ..." somehow Weiss mumbled cheerlessly and fell silent on this, plunged into not the kindest thoughts about the vicissitudes of fate.

The flight took a little time and within twenty minutes they landed on Patch Island, the place where two of the four members of the RWBY team grew up.

"So it's here?" Hermione asked as soon as we got out of the transport.

"Yeah, nice." Shinoa nodded her head. "Can you conjure something delicious?" she turned to the brown-haired woman.

"You can't transfigure food. You can give the appearance of food, but it still won't be edible." the girl's slightly mentoring voice cut through.

"Hey, what the hell?" an unshaven man spoke out, leaving the house with a sword on his shoulder. "Who has brought here this time? Schnee? My damn luck..." he muttered. (Picture, if not there... well someone deleted it)

"Where is Yang?" - the younger Schnee immediately "went on the attack" and came out ahead of all of us.

"You're on her team, aren't you?" he became a little stern when he heard the name of his niece. "She's... still not okay."

"How can she be normal after all" crossing her arms under her breasts, Rias said, which immediately attracted the attention of this man, and he could not help but walk over to her figure with his eyes and clearly recognized the girl.

"Oh, you're here too. You are the Hunters who came from nowhere, am I right?" he asked, looking at each of us, and paying closer attention to me.

It was obvious from him that he would not mind taking a "hundred grams" of something alcoholic... or maybe not a hundred at all.

"Yes, I helped James with some things and healed him, as well as other people who were badly injured during the mess. Weiss also asked to help her friend with her problem." I said, and then a familiar black-and-red top came out of the house.

"Uncle Qrow, who's there? Tony?!" the girl's eyes widened in recognition, and in a moment she was next to me. "How did you know where I live?! Did you arrive with your team?!" the young hunter, dressed in ordinary red-tinged clothes, began to ask. Picture, if not there... well someone deleted it)

"Hi Ruby." I grinned and couldn't resist, grabbed the baby and started hugging.

"M-fv-aa!" it was heard from the girl who abruptly opened her eyes and she, blushing deeply, began to behave like a stuffed kitten. " E-enough, T-tony!" it burst out indignantly-plaintively.

"Hehe, okay, I'm sorry I couldn't resist." nevertheless, I let her go... with great reluctance written on my face.

Ruby herself, like a frightened puppy, immediately hid behind the back of a relative who was taken aback by, apparently, my impudence.

"Another one?" Shinoa said with a strange intonation. "You're the girl with the scythe..." she said and pulled out her huge scythe.

"Wow." Ruby opened her eyes in some shock and... joy.

After that, she "exploded" with rose petals and disappeared for a couple of seconds, and when she returned, she unfolded her big braid. And now two miniature girls were standing opposite each other with huge scythes and looking at the weapons opposite. And at such a moment…

"Umu... not a good person!" exclaimed some blond guy who decided to run out of the house at a high enough speed and charge me with his fist in the stomach.

"What the fuck?" it burst out of me when this guy crashed into the stone wall that appeared, which he overcame without any problems and the fist continued to fly into my belly, so I had to intercept the blow and throw the hapless man over myself.

"I-it doesn't mean anything!" suddenly he exclaimed and rolled over to the side and got to his feet.

"Dad!" Ruby exclaimed when she noticed this man.

"I saw what you were doing with my precious ruby! And I will not give my sweet and little daughter to some yellow-eyed crook!" he exclaimed and attacked quite professionally.

"Dad! Stop it! Tony is my friend!" Ruby exclaimed and tried to get between us at the moment of her father's next jerk, only he rounded his daughter with a rather deft movement and tried to kick me in the face... well, I caught this leg with my hand.

"Wh-what... " he tried to jump back, but I moved forward and quickly got near him, grabbed him by the collar and threw him again, only this time towards the tree. The aura will protect him.

"I'll be offended at you if you make another move!" with a "strict" expression on her face, the girl declared, as soon as her father came to his senses and got to his feet.

"B-but honey…"

"No! You attacked my friend!" She pointed her finger accusingly in his direction. "And ruined the impression of me by his group... and that cool girl with a scythe! With a scythe!" she repeated, showing the importance of it.

"So this is your father?" I said, walking up to the annoyed girl.

"Y-yes." she became sharply uncertain and looked down as soon as I approached her.

"Come on, Ruby, don't worry. Your father is doing the right thing to protect such a cutie from all sorts of crooks." I assured her and patted her on the head…

"People like you?" Shinoa interjected into the conversation with a slightly raised eyebrow. Rias just stood there and tried not to laugh.

"Exactly." I said confidently and perhaps a little proudly. " But we got a little off topic…"

"Exactly!" Weiss stamped her foot for persuasiveness, only moving away from the sight of her friend's father and her uncle. "You're all in the way and don't let me get to the point! To Yang."

"Weiss!" the girl rushed to her friend and tried to hug her.

"Don't get involved, you clumsy! We have an important matter and we want to help Yang." the platinum blonde spoke out, holding out her hands in a stop sign. "And you should have noticed me before everyone else, hmm." she couldn't help but chuckle at the end.

"Yang... she... she... I was trying to cheer her up." The young huntress lowered her head, clenching her fist and even lowering her scythe.

"We're just here to help." Weiss repeated again, but more slowly and deliberately, looking into the eyes of her leader and looking at her father.

"Did you create the prosthesis I requested so quickly?" the blond dad was surprised, having slightly moved away from the state of "beating up a possible boyfriend of his cute daughter."

"No." the heiress of Schnee jerked her head. "Tony has a... suitable Semblance," she found something to say without going into the topic of "Magic", because ... well, it's too fantastic for local people, even though they can create things far beyond the "ordinary". Weiss, in general, I almost didn't say that it was magic, only if it was in jest, as she thinks.

- "What?" Ruby's father said abruptly, becoming a serious hunter. "Let's send them to the house, there's nothing to stand on the street and tell them there. One more guest, one less." he waved his hand.

"A guest?" Weiss asked.

"Oh! Blake came to visit Yang!" Ruby raised her voice as if remembering something.

"Ruby... " the platinum blonde measured her leader with a look. "Such things are usually said at the beginning." she didn't count that one... only if just a little.

As I entered the house, I noticed Qrow and Ruby's father exchanging glances several times. By the way, I felt a little magic from the first one, as far as I remember, he can turn into a crow, it was Ozpin who gave him this ability. Inside, the house was quite cozy, one might even say homely.

"Blake!" the younger Schnee saw her cat-friend, who was embarrassed that all the attention was crossed on her, but she was sincerely glad to have a friend.

"Hi, Weiss." She waved her hand awkwardly.

"You took off your bow." she noticed.

"I... decided not to hide anymore. her gaze swerved to the side, but after inhaling, she firmly looked into her friend's eyes. "There are a lot of you... " she noticed our whole group and she looked at Rias warily.

"So, I'm glad to see you reunited, but let's get back to the topic. You were talking about helping Yang there." Qrow was the last to enter the house and immediately decided to get down to business.

"Weiss asked me to help her friend restore her arm." I said, and the house suddenly became quiet... until one moment.

"Woof!" there was a barking and Ruby shouted:

"Zwei!" this shaggy loaf landed on the hands of the cute reaper, and Blake, looking at it warily, took a step back.

"Restore it"? the blond asked again. "Ahe, I'm Taeyang, Yang and Ruby's father." he introduced himself just in case. "Is this a joke? Or what?"

"No, and I was trying to tell you that." snowflake noticed that everyone returned to the main topic of conversation. "Tony has already helped General Ironwood, as my sister said, he can really heal." she said as if explaining it to small children.

"Really?" The little reaper appeared beside me and grabbed my arm. "Can you help your sister with her arm?!"

"Of course. Anything for you." I smiled at her and stroked her head again... a furrowed sparrow, that's who she reminded me of at that moment.

"Then let's go!" the girl, still holding my hand, dragged me to the side, apparently to where her sister is now.

"W-wait! Ruby!" the girl's father didn't like that his girl dragged the boy by the hand somewhere!

"Uh, administrator-Kun, as always." Shinoa clearly liked what was happening.

Erina, on the other hand, looked with fire towards... the stove. Hermione was just trying to be quieter than water and lower than grass, yet another world, suddenly she would break some rules… she hadn't finished reading Vail's laws yet. Rias looked thoughtfully at Blake, who reminded her of Koneko.

"What do you mean like always?" The father of the family's gaze fell on the petite girl.

"He's a heart stealer," Shinoa said with an unchanged face and…

"Ruby!" as if fearing the worst, he rushed towards the already departed couple.

"Madhouse ... well, you are, sit down." still decided to say Qrow. "Scarlet-haired, can you tell me where you're from?" he decided to get at least some information.