Chapter 43 - Magic Tricks

Miranda Tate played a scared and innocent girl to the end, and when I asked her to take her to a local hospital to make sure she was all right, she refused with all her might.

In general, I took her to one not-too-pompous house and left her my business card, and I went to Lena. But even though I left, it doesn't mean that I didn't leave a different kind of surveillance device. As soon as I left, she turned from an innocent girl into a cold-blooded killer who met with the five and the wounded man who kidnapped her.

As it turned out, his name is Ebenezer Darrk and he is one of the oldest masters of the League of Assassins, or in another way, the League of Shadows. About a year ago, Ra's al Ghul, the head of the League, who also has another name "Demon Head", appointed Darrk to become the head of the League for some reason. In general, yes, I have already managed to run into some of Batman's most dangerous enemies. So, this Darrk headed the League of Assassins not very long, but during this time he managed to do things.

Under his leadership, the League began mass killings throughout Europe, those whom it considered objectionable to the cause and those who harm the planet, which is why the government became interested in it. Ra's found out about it and eventually they had a big fight with this Ebenezer.

And the murderer's resentment resulted in the fact that he kidnapped the daughter of the Demon's Head and was going to blackmail him with it ... although he understood that this case was unlikely to end well. As it is clear, the same girl who called herself Miranda is the daughter of the Head of the Demons Talia al Ghul.

As a result, I saw her kill this unfortunate kidnapper in cold blood, and then she and the members of the League of Assassins went somewhere, most likely to the Head of the Demon. (Picture)

"Tony..." stretching and yawning, my sister said my name, noticing that there was already breakfast and freshly squeezed orange juice in the room. - "Thanks." she kissed me on the cheek with a smile on her lips.

"Don't thank me. Zatanna's performance will start in three hours, so we still have time..." I drawled, hugging the girl from behind, and kneading her two heavenly peaks.

"Hmm, it sounds very interesting ..." she said, starting up, and at that moment her tummy rumbled.

"...but later, I'm hungry now." she said and with a smile began to eat the breakfast I had prepared, which consisted of bacon, fried potatoes, eggs and toast with jam. "You know, if I eat so much in the morning, I'll get fat."

"I doubt it. After the opening of the aura, it is very difficult to get fat, so you have also become a meta-human. So you can eat buckets and stay the same slim and seductive." the girl liked my words, judging by the sparkle in her eyes.


"If you are officially allowed to skip classes, it does not mean that you need to do it." Hermione spoke mentorically to her friend.

"Snape's taunts won't help me prepare for a dragon fight." the boy-who-lived snapped. "I'm sorry…"

"I understand." the sorceress replied. "Professor Snape." still, she couldn't ignore it, which caused her friend to roll his eyes with a slight smile.

They have been preparing for the first test for a couple of days now, and Harry has already managed to tell Cedric about it since he could not remain silent. During this time, something happened that Hermione could not believe in Real Memory. It is the general disapproval of Harry and his "deception". Some even tried to curse him, but Hermione easily dealt with such bullies.

"Holy Potter and Miss Mudblood are hiding again." she heard an annoying voice.

"Draco, apologize to Hermione!" The guy jumped to his feet and clenched his fists.

"In front of a mudblood? Not in this life." he snorted and the girl still deigned to look in his direction and his two backup singers standing on either side of his shoulders.

"Nothing is surprising in the fact that Dumbledore tried to whitewash his beloved boy-who-will-not-die. But do you really think that everyone believed that you didn't cheat the cup, Potter?" A venomous smile appeared on Malfoy's face.

"Shut up!" Harry couldn't stand it and tried to get his wand. At the same moment, Crabbe and Goyle took a step forward, and Malfoy himself opened his eyes and retreated in fear, but then he himself tried to get the wand.

"Stop it!" Hermione exclaimed and instantly the wand was in her hand "Stupefy!" she shouted, but before the spell was fully pronounced, it flew out and hit Crabbe's chest, and then Goyle.

"Y-you ... sectum ... " Draco did not finish the spell as another one flew into his chest, but this time from Potter's side.

"Well done." Hermione nodded, still amazed at the increased physical characteristics.

She could have taken out her wand several times while Harry was casting the spell, or while the same one was taking out his wand.

"What's going on here?!" McGonagall appeared in the corridor and noticed three frozen Slytherin students, turning her gaze to Potter and Granger.

"Even without your third, you continue to create problems... what happened?" she asked more gently and Hermione ... froze, looking somewhere in front of her.

The Mission Is Available To Help Fate

Goal: To Save the Chosen One

Description: In the parallel world of the participant "Hermione Granger" everything is not so rosy. The Great Light Wizard turns out to be not as bright as others believe. He wove a web of lies, meanness, and betrayal around the Chosen One, from which a sixteen-year-old boy cannot get out himself. A lot of people got stuck in this web and almost all of them were eventually eaten by a spider. Help save the Chosen of that World by all available means.

Duration: Unlimited

Number of participants: Three

Time to make a decision: 140 days

Reward: 10,000 Chat Points. The reward is divided depending on the contribution of the participants.


Rias Gremory: Hermione's parallel world? Sounds interesting. But the part about the spider is not very…

Shinoa Hiragi: The chosen one is Harry Potter, I suppose? Although…

Shinoa Hiragi: I have some stuff to do here!

After typing the last message, Shinoa focused her gaze on the hospital room. A couple of hours ago, an incident happened, namely a wandering vampire was in the city. And that fool, Yuichiro Hakuya, tried to kill a vampire to enter the "Moon Demons", an elite unit of the Imperial Army. Only now it's problematic to do this without the cursed weapon, so he would have almost lost in the end if it hadn't been for Lieutenant Colonel Guren.

"Decided to die a virgin?" she said as soon as she entered the ward, where the guy himself was already sitting. He wasn't particularly hurt, but he was sent here anyway.

"What?!" He exclaimed in a dumbfounded manner with reddened cheeks. "What are you talking about?!"

"The truth. The Imperial Army encourages communication between people in every sense... virgin."

"What do you want from me?" still he asked, leaning back on the bed.

"To convey information to you. You're one of the Moon Demons now." Shinoa said, watching her face overflowing with joy and determination. "Fool. Teamwork, like training, is very important. With your sword, you will only annoy the vampires." she looked at his usual katana. " And not only are you enlisted in the service, also…"

"Hakuya! I'm so glad you're okay! " exclaimed a boy who ran into the ward with a bag of food in his hands.

"And yes, he is also enrolled in our squad," Shinoa added.

"Isn't it great, Hakuya?! Now we will be together"! the feminine guy exclaimed joyfully and tried to hug a friend, and Shinoa looked at it with a small smile, it reminded her of their relationship with the Chat.

In the Chat, everyone was already discussing the Mission, Hermione did it most willingly and was outraged by the description and the fact that Dumbledore could be bad somewhere.

Hermione Granger: Tony, could you throw off the rest of the "Real Memory" in my world?

- "Hm." the girl chuckled, looking at this message. Knowing the future can both help and help to fall into depression.

Anthony (Administrator): No problem.

Anthony (Administrator): Sends "Harry Potter 5-8 Memory Copy"

Anthony (Administrator): I'll write later, I'm still busy with my sister. We are watching the performance of a sorceress in the circus…

Shinoa Hiragi: The administrator-kun is already throwing himself at his sister... poor, poor virgins in our group…

"Why is she grinning like that?" Hakuya asked his friend "quietly".

"I-I don't know…"


Rolling my eyes at Shinoa's message... and surprised at how accurately she hit the target, I returned my attention to the stage, where the performance is about to begin.

While Zatanna can't say that she is very popular, on her brochures there is a photo of a very pretty girl in fishnet tights and with a magician's hat, which attracted attention. In general, she touted the fathers of the children rather than the children themselves.

Lena and I were sitting in the very front seats, so when Zatanna came on stage and the men applauded, Lena gave me a look like, 'And this is a sorceress? Definitely not a stripper?'

Whatever she looked like, I must admit, it was a pleasant performance with pulling rabbits out of a hat, moving between large boxes, and other catchy numbers. And of course, she did all this in a rather sexy outfit, so that after each "trick" most of the audience clapped.

"Come on." I got up and went towards the dressing room and knocked on the door, immediately Zatanna opened it for us.

"Yes, can I help you with something? " she said kindly, looking at us, but almost immediately narrowed her eyes. "You... you... I thought you were older." she confessed, frowning when she realized who was standing in front of her.

"These are your troubles, I didn't talk about my age." I went into the room.

"Hmm, Anthony Luthor, huh? The newly-born billionaire along with his sister. If anything, there are no rich drinks here, only cola in the refrigerator."

"So you're a sorceress… I expected something else." the sister confessed.

"Something like that?" Zatanna raised an eyebrow and in a moment a pointed hat appeared on her, and the fog began to thicken around her.

"Stop it." already with my magic, I just erased her illusion. "There aren't many normal magicians, so it didn't take me long to find out that your father disappeared about a year ago, right? And you want help?

"I could have done it myself if I knew what to do." the girl turned away and went to the mirror to examine herself. "I was thinking of using Books of Magic, but they are difficult to find, so far I know the approximate location of only one such book. There is also an idea to try to summon a duplicate of my father from a parallel world to help me ... well, or someone else."

"You know that all this sounds more than dangerous, right? So much so that you can attract the attention of one notorious doctor bucket... or, in another way, Faith."

"..." Lena was silent and just tried to understand what we were talking about.

"I've been trying to make a deal with a Demon recently, do you think I care?" The sorceress snorted with annoyance. "That's why I needed a mentor, maybe I was doing something wrong. Still, my father didn't teach me before he disappeared... and now I find out that the one who was a strong magician turns out to be almost my age."

"Your father didn't flog you enough for the ideas of any contract with creatures from Hell." I sighed. " Should I move you to a hotel?" I looked at my sister.

"I think so... you have magical conversations here, and I'd rather continue to practice the magic of numbers in finance." said the sister, after looking at Zatanna a couple of times. I nodded and created a portal using a magic seal to make it clearer for the girl.

" I'll be right back." nevertheless, I moved with her to the hotel, and then helped her pack her things and brought her to the car. After that, I already moved back.

"What kind of magic is this?" The girl asked curiously. "I've seen Egyptian magic seals, but yours are still completely different and more... accurate?"

"Magic from other worlds." I confessed.

"If you don't want to talk, then you don't have to."

She crossed her arms under her chest and turned away.

"We don't know each other well enough for me to have time to trust you, so don't be offended. Let's talk about your training instead… Magic is such a science that even after a thousand years you will have something to learn, so you are constantly learning."

"Do you know more for sure?" the girl doubted, most likely my age.

"Ecnelis." I said "silence" on the contrary, which is why the girl's mouth closed, and you stared at me... well, like a woman looks at someone who pisses her off.

It's just proof of my greater magical power, well, Will. Still, if we were on the same level, there would be at least some resistance. Casting a spell on those who are much stronger than you simply will not work without various kinds of artifacts, well, or rituals. This is one of the reasons why you can't meet God and just say to him, "Eid."

"Okay ..." I waved my hand and removed the spell. " In my journey of searching for different magical arts, I discovered different kinds of magic. For example... Avada Kedavra!" I pointed my finger in the direction of the wall where a clot of dark green curse landed. "Did you feel it?"

"Dark magic... similar to death magic." Zatanna said. "Do you know such magic?"

"Not much." I have already confessed. "Just trying to take everything... are these your friends?" both of us felt the barrier that appeared, which did not allow us to teleport. More precisely, he stabilized the space and the usual teleportation will not work, but with seals it is quite ... probably.

"No." - the girl's face expressed incomprehension.

But at the moment when the screams were heard, Zatanna and I still decided to go out and ... saw several corpses of people who did not have time to leave after the end of the show and several men in robes, but one stood out the most. (Picture)

"What are you doing?!" Zatanna exclaimed.

"Oh, that's what I need. Nero told me that if I brought you, he would not just give me freedom, but also give me strength. So nothing personal." A man with a very dark aura smiled. It is clear that he did all imaginable and unthinkable things.

"..." Zatanna silently created a stream of water that knocked down one of the cultists, after which she froze him into a block of magical ice.

"You're Felix Faust, the same half-educated sorcerer who sold his ass hundreds of times." I said, looking at how the girl easily dealt with the second cultist.

"I'll send you to him, too." he wanted to wave his dagger in my direction, but only I was not that five times, an order of magnitude faster.

Therefore, approaching him, I took out my sword from the eighth metal of the gods and opened his hand holding the dagger ... and after that the dagger shook in the air and began to exude demonic energy. I'm starting to hate this Gotham…