Chapter 49 - The Destroyed World

" ... It hasn't been long since we took up this position, so I don't want to rush into such contracts," I explained my viewpoint to the rather imposing man who represented the district's army. "My brother, may he rest in peace, Lex, could have gone with you on an agreement and provided you with modern drones, helicopters, and other technology developed at that time by LexAir. But we are currently changing our field of operation.

" I've heard about your amazing reactor, theoretically capable of powering the entire Metropolis and its surrounding areas. It would have been a highly valuable acquisition for the army considering the recent... events," he understood that he wouldn't secure a new contract and tried not to leave empty-handed.

" Is this about your hunt for Superman?" I raised an eyebrow and heard laughter from Lena's side. "How many millions of dollars has the army wasted trying to capture this... hero, as the newspaper called him? Well, never mind," I said as the man took a breath to speak. "He has caused plenty of damage as well, I admit. But we're not selling the reactor yet because I haven't finished building it completely. And no, we're not selling the blueprints either. We need time to figure out the exact direction to steer LuthorCorp's forces.

" I see, then I won't keep you any longer," the man said with clear dissatisfaction and left the office.

" Haven't we already determined the direction, it seems?" my sister asked with a smile on her lovely face.

" Yeah, but they don't need to know that. We're still rookies in all of this," my gaze fell on the door, and soon enough, Mercy's slightly displeased face appeared.

" Some scantily clad magician came to see you...," she informed us and quickly walked back. I could almost feel that she didn't like us and what she thought of all the strippers visiting our office. And yes, she didn't ask too many questions and let her in... Zatanna must have made an effort.

" Haven't you found a better assistant yet?" I asked aloud.

" Nah, Mercy may be mean, but she does her job well," my sister mumbled with unclear emotions. And soon enough, the sorceress herself arrived.

" You have a cozy place here, better than Tony's office," the girl confessed in her usual seductive magician attire.

" I like my office," I muttered.

" Well... it doesn't really look great," my sister said. " Zatanna, right? What brings you to us today?

" I came to see Tony," she corrected. " Though, are you a mage too or not?

" More like no than yes. She has superpowers, but it's not magic," I explained, sitting on the couch. " So, what's going on? Demons? Cult? Zombies?

" Nah, I need to improve my stage acts, maybe add something new and fresh. So, I came to ask if you have any ideas. Here, check out what I came up with using cards," she winked at me and hid the cards behind her back.

Lena was also watching the trick with interest, where Zatanna teleported the card we chose into her hat... nothing too complicated for a magician. And I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the girl often positioned her body in the most flattering angles... perhaps it was already a professional habit for her, but Lena definitely noticed. Not just that, I often caught her casting interested glances at the sorceress's backside... well, Zatanna is beautiful, I won't argue about that.

Soon enough, I went with the sorceress to her mansion to continue exploring magic together and to continue her training in magical seals. I recently learned that Zatanna is a direct descendant of the artist and magician Leonardo da Vinci, as well as Nostradamus, Nicholas Flamel, and... Arion of Atlantis. Impressive lineage for a sorceress, no wonder she has such a talent for magic, even though she hasn't been studying it for long and without Gachi, who can cram the knowledge of a six-hundred-year-old mage-alchemist into one's head. And just before leaving, I told her that I would be unavailable for some time.

In the evening, my sister indeed prepared a nice surprise, namely catgirl ears and a seductive negligee that barely covered her breasts.

" What will people say if they find out that Lena Luthor shops at sex stores..." I said, admiring my sister's curves.

" I thought about that too, so I decided to order online with Cortana's help, so hardly anyone would have understood anything," the beauty shrugged.

" Looks like someone has developed a fondness for indulgence?" I asked, planting a kiss on the girl's belly button as my hands squeezed her lower cheeks.

" Mmm, how can I not get addicted here? " she asked a rhetorical question when my fingers ran over her clitoris, which made her shudder and bite her lip. " What is your relationship with Zatanna?

" Are you jealous? I asked and licked her pubis and began to sink lower…

"Perhaps..." she didn't answer directly.

"We can be called a teacher and a student, perhaps friends ... although no, we have not become friends yet, we have known each other for too little time. " I pondered a little and gave my answer.

Then I already decided to move on to the main thing, because preliminary caresses were not particularly necessary for me or the girl right now. Again feeling the tightness with my tool, I penetrated the girl, at the same time squeezing her nipple, because of which the moans did not stop for a minute.

Our delightful time together only ended a couple of hours later, as Lena and I found ourselves comfortably nestled in each other's embrace.

"I'll have to leave for an indefinite period tomorrow," I decided to tell my sister about it.

"Where to?" Her voice oozed curiosity, and she even opened one eye to look at me.

"Hmm, to another dimension, I suppose...," I answered honestly. " I'm serious, I have... things to take care of there, let's put it that way. Don't forget, magic, gods..."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Is it dangerous?" she asked a pressing question with evident concern.

"I don't think so," I shook my head. " I just don't know how long I'll be gone... I'm sorry for only telling you now," I held the girl closer to me. " I found out about it myself this morning."

" It's alright, I understand. You're not an ordinary person after all, so it was to be expected... Are you going with Zatanna?"

"No, not with her," for a moment, I felt the urge to tell her about the Chat and even invite her, but... then she would know what I have planned, what I'll be doing, and it would make her worry. There are plenty of wonders in this universe without the Chat, so she already knows a lot for someone who recently learned about the existence of gods.

"Well, I don't really understand all of this anyway. Just be careful... you're the last family I have, the person I love the most in this world," for a moment, it seemed like an unhealthy attachment gleamed in her eyes, but perhaps it was just my imagination...

Traveling to another world, the world of the Chat participant, without any specific mission would cost a hundred Chat Points. And that's just the one-way journey. To return, I would have to pay another hundred points, which, to be honest, isn't much for me. Essentially, I earn a hundred points every day, so roughly speaking, the whole journey would take, let's say, two days' worth of Chat Points.

Shinoa Hīragi: Administrator-kun, I've already woken up and eagerly await our meeting!

I received a message from Shinoa in the morning. My sister hugged me like a koala with a serene expression on her face, so I kissed her on the lips and achieved the first signs of awakening. Shinoa and I had already checked how time flows in our respective worlds, and despite the difference of a year or two, the time is roughly the same. So, it's morning for me, and it's morning for her too... even though she lives in Japan, where the time difference should be at least thirteen hours.

"Mmm, are you leaving soon?" Lena said sleepily.

"Not right now, but soon," I managed to get up and used alchemy to create suitable clothes for myself. " Cortana will stay with you, just in case, so if you need anything, ask her," I told my sister.

In Shinoa's world, there are still computers and other modern technologies, but they clearly haven't advanced as much. So, I asked Cortana to simply make me a portable hacking device. If it doesn't work, there's always good old ultraviolence.

Shinoa Hīragi: I'm already on the train heading to the designated gate! I think I'll start streaming.

Rias Gremory: You used to be shy about that, you didn't even send a picture of yourself during our Chat acquaintance.

Shinoa Hīragi: I thought you guys were my demon's pranks.

Hermione Granger: Shinoa... is it really that bad in your world?

Shinoa Hīragi: It's worse than you can imagine. This world is a complete hellhole. I'll show you.

Rias Gremory: You're really in a good mood, apparently...

Shinoa Hīragi: Well, I may not live in a world of dragon boobs, but why shouldn't I be in a good mood when Administrator-kun is visiting me? Oh, what will he do... I hope he hits the lieutenant a bit harder.

Rias Gremory: My world is perfectly fine! Right now, I was playing chess with my friend and lost... again. So, I won't fall for your provocation, hmph.

Shinoa Hīragi: Is that why you puffed up your cheeks at the end?

Rias Gremory: No!

Shinoa Hīragi: Winter, are you here? Are you watching again?

Winter Schnee: It's already evening for me, so I found time for this.

After making sure I had packed all the necessary items into the ring's storage space, I also paid attention to the Chat. I'm not sure how much time I'll need to do everything I want in that world... I think a couple of days should be enough. Besides, with my Chat Points, I can return the next day. I don't want to leave Lena and Zatanna for too long, but I don't mind spending an extra hundred points.

Shinoa indeed started the broadcast, and she could be seen dressed in the uniform of the Imperial Army, which, honestly, suited her well. She was actually riding in some armored train, and soon a young man entered the same car, who, according to Shinoa's words, was the one and only Yuichiro Hyakuya.

The world Shinoa lived in was a place devastated by human experiments, a very inhospitable place. People conducted experiments on the Seraphs of the End, a magical curse embedded and cultivated within humans for a long time. There were many different test subjects, and many didn't survive. Those who did became perfect candidates for the Demon Weapons, becoming their ideal wielders. These experiments are still being conducted in the school where Shinoa studied, as it serves as a massive experimental base.

These Seraphs of the End strive to kill humans, just like the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Moreover, the latter are actually offspring of one of the Seraphs, the Sixth Horn, who is imprisoned in a magical barrier beneath one of Guren's mansions – the very same lieutenant colonel whom Shinoa frequently communicates with.

All these experiments were not aimed at creating weapons but at reviving the dead, and it was precisely this that triggered the full manifestation of the Seraphs of the End's curses. They didn't like the fact that humans were violating the Taboo and resurrecting the dead. That's why they hold such negative attitudes towards humans rather than vampires. And it was Guren who caused the resurrection of his friends and the outbreak of the virus that killed a large part of humanity. However, it's unclear where and how the "curse" of the Seraphs was discovered... perhaps I will be able to find out.

This lieutenant colonel is not entirely to blame since he wanted to bring his dead friends back to life and was unaware of the consequences. Moreover, at that moment, he couldn't bring himself to kill the one who partially caused the apocalypse, Shinoa's sister and his love interest, who gradually became obsessed, then turned into a vampire, and ultimately a demon. Even all of his seemingly terrible actions can be explained by his desire to help the world and restore everything as it was. The atrocities were carried out by the Hīragi Sect, religious fanatics known as the Thousand Nights Brotherhood, who aimed to create the Seraphs of the End, magically enhance their own people, create the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and much more.

And even here, things are not so simple because the one manipulating the entire sect is Shikama Doji, also known as Shika Madu, a very ancient vampire who is considered a legend even among vampires and is regarded as the founder, the very first vampire. He is currently the demon residing within Shinoa's scythe, the puppeteer at the center of all events. He began experimenting with the Seraphs... or rather, their original, first version, even back in ancient Greece, but this needs to be verified.

In the world Shinoa inhabits, it is not a straightforward place where it is difficult to determine who is to blame. While the vampires decided to attack humans precisely because of all these experiments with the Seraphs after the apocalypse, they also started treating all humans as mere livestock. They are not directly responsible for the apocalypse, but they took advantage of its existence to subjugate humans and feed on them, treating them as cattle, aiming to become the gods of a new world. This is why they have a tremendous sense of self-importance about themselves and their race as a whole.

"I think it's time to go," I said, looking at the chat with the girl's broadcast. It has been going on for about ten minutes already, and during this time, the girl has ventured outside the city's massive iron walls with her squad, embarking on a mission. In addition, a new member has joined their squad, for reinforcement, as mentioned by that same lieutenant colonel, Guren.

Shinoa herself is not exactly an innocent person, as I understood during our first meeting. Rias could have realized it too if she had examined the girl's body more closely... but she would likely start joking around again if given such attention. Her own Hiragi family conducted experiments on her. I'm saying this because I know for sure there will be those whose souls need to be sealed.


Lately I've been thinking about putting more in the P**reon with all the pictures. And yes, this does not mean that the chapters will only be there. I will post everything here, and that "is only for donations and that's it... but i'm still thinking about it. Fanfics is like grey zone in law... so who knows...