A taste of sin,

was enough to make him a sinner.



 Have you ever passed through the midst of hovering darkness? Have you ever been drowned in the flames of burning fire? Have you been chained in a prison a reality faced with what is known as life and death? How about being torn in a garment with laces of both good and evil, just fueled with an intensity of one burning spark? A spark that creates both darkness and darkness. A life which revolves around a game of chess.

 I say fire dosen't mean one from logs nor coal nor one read and imagined in a story. I mean;


 The heart of mortals could be pure and dirty. The body of a witch or an enchantress could be wrinkled with facial hairs as tough as a broom. But this one was different. I am different.

 My life didn't just pause. It didn't only just shatter, made errors and left with pieces that became invisible. It all began its mysteries after my encounter with this man.

 You might have heard of the devil but do you believe he is real? Do you think he exists?

 Do you just read a story, flip its pages, go through chapters, and forget the story of the devil? I know its fictional, i believed it was, not until i met him. When i say him, the idea of the creature appears in your memory. You should consider the thought and believe me when i say, i.met.him.

 I should not lie. Lies are not accepted but what about the truth? Why is the heart of men wicked when i tried to save them? When i warned them, they turned deaf ears and called me a falsifier.

 And when the time drew nearer, they had summoned me. I had thought they were willing to seek my knowledge and listen to all i had to say, but instead, they killed me! My poor mother, kind father and innocent sister!

 Humans. They watched me burn to death, watched them recoil in agonizing pain! Struggling in agony, my pleadings twisted to their mockeries. My shallow breaths, my screams, pain, vulnerability, became a satisfying tale narrated to their folks when i pleaded for mercy upon a crime i never committed! But above all, i was still reluctant to save them! To save you!

 I looked into his eyes at my end of time, and it burned like shattered flames. You might assume his eyes are red, black or perhaps golden, but no. I could see those hollow eyes. He was so close, his breath fanned across my face with a smirk that glided his ominous thoughts as he watched me burn. Burn in ethereal flames of curses from both the pure and wicked, as i coiled and writhed at the melody of death.

 He was like a shadow. His robe deprived of the stains of the prophesy but he stink of sins, reeked of evil, and smelled of taunt.

 You might also believe he has horns and fangs, that was what stories described him as, but have you asked the dead of his description rather than the living?

 Have you? Do you just narrate his looks as terribly horrifying and frightening?

 I have seen him, even his beauty is ever breath taking when i stumbled in hell. Once upon a time, the devil saved me. Not all devils are bad after all. Cliche. A soul for another. A sacrifice. I was indebted to him. I still am.

 Time passed when i craved for him and i knew the feeling grew because of anger. But another part of me believed it was love. It is, and i was already a sinner.

 In love with the devil is a sin, but am i still holy? I never even got the chance to step foot in heaven despite my advances to save and not to danger. I had that power to kill and destroy, wiping off every being from this surface but i didn't. Do you know why? Because i was good. But what do i get in return? To be burnt by my race and love the devil!

 Love. It took hold of me, bonded me with its chains and caged me into its cell. I let it cloud my sanity, until I forgot he was the Devil. He shan't forever love, but hold unto the lustful cravings of sins. That I forgot.

 I was pained again, at my resolutions of what we shared together was something deep, deeper than my heart chambers, but I forgot his; as dark as coal, far darker, if you can describe another.

 Emotionless, sinuous and unfathomable being. He was never a being, it would never be, because it exists in hell.

 Now take some time to think about this for a while. Mortals die, sinners matches to hell but have any emerged from death to tell you what hell looks like and what they had suffered?

 Don't call this blasphemy. You'll deceive yourself if you do.

 The holy book describes it, but humans believed it was formed by flames of eternal curses with chains of deceit and stripped in blood of the flesh committed by seven deadly sins. I fell for that, it was a tale after all. Do you believe in tales?

 I did believe, you do and that ended when I saw what I see. Right now, I'm not only standing with Lucifer with my red dress, I'm standing as her. Who is she? She's Medusa. I am Medusa.

 I say this because I have three words for you; WATCH.YOUR.BACK. I will come to earth and start my story, a very interesting one and don't expect me to be good, because I'll strip your child, burn you all to ashes, but take you as my breakfast, lunch, and satisfying dinner. A feast to my mouth, a drink for my tongue.

 Wait for me when you read this. Don't judge me because you know what I'm doing is fair. My red heart is completely dusted and buried in black. I cannot cry, I cannot feel.

 I know my physical body is dead, but I tend to be reincarnated to a human body. And I have found her. She will live with me in her, hold my grudge in her black heart and continue to fight the battle I just started.

 And I start with you. Breathe now, you don't know if it would be your last.

 My name is Medusa. Daughter of nobody, born in a body of an engraved soul. I'm here for vengeance against humans. I'll play the violin and let the strings dance to the melody of my sinful notes. Let the peace shatter to pieces.

 I start from earth. Next comes… YOU.
