Chapter 23- Strange feeling

… you don't pick them;

they pick you.

~ Unknown.


 "Medusa, wake up."

 The first sound that reached her ears in her half unconscious state was a distant voice. Her lids fluttered in an attempt to adjust her sight, but she could only blink into darkness.

 Warm breeze brushed her face, the engulfing smell of the atmosphere invaded her nostrils, and the physical touch struck her with the realization she was still alive.

 She heard voices, the night birds chirping, the sounds, whispers and murmurings' from different angles hovering around. It had stopped. It's all over.

 The memory had been the strangest yet. She had moved into a dark world that trapped her inner soul, the master. The strange man with emerald eyes, she had remembered, staring into her empty entity.

 A soul lurked into nothingness. His presence that graced darkness, and lured her body into a dark memory. A world without hope. Much quiet yet strange atmosphere. That world with words that emits a troubling sensation which crept her skin.

 "Medusa," Her eyes eventually opened. Her sight was blurry. She blinked slowly, once, twice, attempting to raise the heavy lids that hindered her clear vision.

 After the fifth time of fruitless trials, she could see Esther's mouth move with words she couldn't apprehend. Or she didn't allow herself to hear them. She could feel her strength fade. Her whole body ached tremendously. She doubted she could move an inch.

 Medusa's eyes darted from Esther, and surveyed her surroundings under the pale sky. It made her question how long she had been in that memory.

 She wanted to remember her encounter, but another part didn't. Now it felt as if her body betrayed her. She felt paralyzed. The more she tried racking her head to think, it only added sufficient amount of pain which made her feel dizzy.

 Medusa looked at Esther. She watched her mouth move which she assumed to form the words '-you back.' Then the next thing Medusa knew, Esther draped her around her neck, to support her movements.

 With countless struggles, as those feet touched the ground, a burning sensation spread like wildfire around her chest, the same area where that dagger was plunged.

It was the very first time she felt emotions swirl uncontrollably within her. Medusa's hand unconsciously reached her chest where she felt the pain and felt a faint heartbeat.

 Her eyes widened. No, this can't be happening!

 Feeling her stomach twist in an uncertain uneasiness, something rushed up to her throat. She tore the arm off Esther, crawled to the edge and threw up red liquid to the floor. Blood.

 Her throat was sore and the pain ached in her chest unbearably. What is happening?!

 Medusa tried to reach her master, but she received silence as response. It was almost impossible; like it was empty. As though the two souls that existed in one body, never even existed.

 "You're sick." Esther pointed with a worried look. It was the first sentence Medusa picked clearly and that broke her off her reverie. "Come, let's get to the quarters before we get punished. And probably, get your wounds treated too," and she helped her get on her feet as they left for the servant quarters.

 Esther tried dodging a guard that was on standby, but he spotted them. "You there!" he called their attention and Esther halted, turning with effort of the weight, to face him.

 As he approached them, he said, "You are supposed to be in your respective cells by this hour. What are you both doing walking around?" he scolded, with a visible frown that reached his eyes.

 He didn't bother waiting for their response, and the next moment, they were both separated and dragged into the quarters. Medusa couldn't put up with the his pace, so she stumbled to have her hair which was once tied with a ribbon, cut loose, covering all part of her face.

 "Up, quick!" and he grabbed her arm and dragged her along the rough ground. This caught the attention of other slaves, as they watched the scene within their cells.

 Once the guard reached Medusa's cells, he opened it and shoved her inside the dark place, shutting it with the metal bar and the use of the lock.

 One thing the guard wasn't aware of, was at that moment, Esther stealthily reached for the bunch of keys hooked around his belt, that held the key lock of every slave cells. And he pushed her inside her cell.

 With a voice of authority, "Get to sleep!" he ordered firmly. "There would be more work by dawn." With that, he left, extinguishing the torches at the corridor. And the place was all dark.

 Esther watched him get out of sight, as she waited for the right time to step out of her cell.

 Once Esther was certain that the coast was clear, and certain the slaves must have been asleep by this late hour, she quickly fished out the bunch of keys, quietly searching for the key to her own cell.

 Unlocking it with a soft click, she released a small sigh. Esther cautiously observed around, before making her way out. She tiptoed out of her cell, like a thief ready to haunt its treasures by midnight, and made quiet steps to Medusa's.

 With the key of the number of Medusa's cell, she unlocked it. But before entering, she took hold of the lantern kept at the very far end. Not a very obvious place and she lighted it with a spell. Then she walked into the cell.

 The rooms the slaves were caged was medium in size with bricks fixed to the wall of each ends. A single window left open at the other side of a corner, which prevented the total passage of the moonlight from the sky, from adjusting into the dark cells.

 Though the slaves mindlessly slept soundly, locked up in their own thoughts occupying their head. While some dream, few had nightmares.

 Esther had just stepped into the cell. She turned around, and the light went up to her face, making her ghastly. Though the lantern was bright, the place was utterly dark. There was nothing but the lantern and that dim, glowing the coal of the light inside the cell.

 Medusa laid on the cold ground with her knees curled up to her chest with her back that ached now, almost unbearably, the cold breeze brushed her skin made her to shiver slightly. By the look of the gloomy sky through the open window, it was obvious the night would be rainy.

 Esther left, to return with a bowl and a piece of cloth. Medusa heard her say, "Lay on your stomach."

