Chapter 26- Darkhouse

Better the bitter truths,

than a sweet lie.



 When morning arrived, the rain had slacked up a bit, just the tiny shower drops but though the sky retained its heaviness. The weather had turned colder as the dark clouds came to hinder the sun that slowly started to spread, causing a gloomy atmosphere.

 The sharp sound of footsteps approaching woke few of the slaves as early as always. And once the footsteps got nearer, they could hear the harsh tone of someone speaking. "-exactly did you say you left it?"

 Another person replied saying, "I swear, it was with me the whole night. I don't know how it disappeared."

 Then two men walked into the quarters. The first man wore a simple uniform consisting of red linen cloth and black trousers with an occasional bronze helmets for elite troops. His shoe was polished with a sword around his belt. The last man was the guard who came to put Medusa and Esther to their cells last night. He wore a black robe with padded linen armor, and black trousers along with a headgear. He walked with his javelin and shield. From their looks, it seemed the one wearing red was the head guard.

 The man in red linen cloth scanned each of the slaves in their cells with alerted eyes. In response to the last man's comment, he flared. "Now you tell me the keys developed wings and flee out from only God-knows-where you left it?" he scolded the guard.

 Certain all the slaves were complete and everything where in order, he turned and faced the guard on black coat. "God save you nothing went missing," he reprimanded with a frown. "He should also help you that it should be found before midday." He warned and the other guard gulped, dropping his head to face the ground.

 "Search the entire place for it. But for the meantime, use the spare keys we have. I want the original key found as soon as possible." He ordered before walking away, leaving the latter behind who also left to get the spare ones.

 When he returned, a sharp metallic bar rattled the cell gate. All the cells were unlocked for the slaves to step out and begin the works assigned by the guards.

 Medusa doubted the keeper would stay in the castle, especially what transpired between them. Medusa's consciousness had returned, although her entire body ached, most especially her chest. She looked at her cell gate that were left open and stretched before stepping out, where most of the slaves walked past; including the older ones that had been there for months.

 They all walked without been told what to do next.

 Esther also stepped out of her own cell, and Medusa's eyes met hers for a briefest moment, as though passing a silent conversation.

 The memories of yesterday were still fresh in her head. All the past memories, present pain and burning queries all happened within a short period of time. Every detail from the past was stuck in her mind like everything all happened within a snap of the finger. It was vivid and thoroughly gruesome.

 Questions with no answer to them. She remembered clearly that abandoned house that was cursed by dark witches. It was called the Darkhouse.

 A pure witch eludes darkness that could trigger their nature and taint it dark. Their mind, body, heart and soul were clean and eschew corruption that could banish them. In other words, the heart was one of the most important piece that allows them retain their saint.

 These witches shun curses that pollute their heart and cause it to graduate from the stage of red to black. When a pure witch heart begins to transform into a dark nature, it eventually becomes a Casted dark witch, which tarnishes its soul to the dark realm, leaving only the witch's pure memory in the sanctuary.

 That's when the Darkhouse accepts souls that are tainted as a curse from dark witches. No pure soul ever sets foot on the Land of the Abandoned without transforming into a cursed witch; a dark witch.

 Dark witches had weakness. As to how pure witches elude darkness, dark witches avoid light. It is one thing. One party benefits, after the pure stains itself with things of the dark but the other party could not benefit anything belonging to the dark.

 This was what brought Medusa's curiosity. Why was her master there? What was her master doing in the Darkhouse? She was aware her master was a pure witch with an intention to save mortals but Medusa had begun to have second thoughts. Or did she misuse the wrong door that disguises lies as truth, and truth as lies? But what was the truth? Was her master really a pure witch?

 Not just that. Medusa was also curious as how she wasn't only able to get into the Darkhouse but how she could touch things when she was only invisible. Plus she was INSIDE a memory. A memory that didn't belong to her.

 No soul enters through the Abandoned gate and trespass into the house without being stuck in the past, leaving her only a memory wanderer. This had happened before in history, and Medusa was aware.

 Those thoughts left Medusa occupied. And when she tried to reach her master, she wasn't responding. As she walked, following the crowd that passed through the thin corridor to the exit, Medusa could see her small shadow against the wall.

 And her thoughts drifted again.


 Ashley Bowman.

 She could clearly remember the look on her master's face. Not all saw it, but she was quick to pick the expression. A rare one.

 Again she remembered the man in the shadows. What could have transpired between her master and him? And why was he after her now? Medusa doubted it was a dream. She saw him. Even before she went into that memory.

 Her brows furrowed. Could it be he had something to do with the memory? Had he manipulated her mind at that time? Medusa had that strong feeling.

 "Morning," Besides her, Esther greeted with a small smile. Last night incident muddled her thought at that moment. She was washed with the scene. She remembered it clearly.

 First, it was the memory, and next, she was possessed. Medusa would have thought of a reasonable thing to justify last night, but did no way close to understand that reason. What had happened to her?

