
Liu Cui smiled. She knew that as long as Shi Song was around, there would be a turnaround.

Shi Song turned his head to look at the villagers who were watching the commotion and forced a smile. "I hope you guys won't go out and spread rumors. I'll prepare a small gift for your families. I believe your brothers won't want things to blow up either."

In this era, patriarchy still reigned supreme in the countryside, so male elders were in charge of important matters at home.

These words sounded polite on the surface, but they were actually a threat.

The women had ugly expressions, but they could only nod in agreement. They understood Shi Song's temper. If word of today's incident got out, he would definitely cause trouble for them. Even if they wanted to stand up for Shi Sen at first, they didn't dare to do so anymore.

Shi Sen's eyes were filled with tears as she clenched her fists. After she looked at Shi Song in disappointment, she stood up to leave.

At that moment, Bai Lan spoke. This good-tempered woman challenged her father-in-law for the first time.

"Shi Sen, stay here." Bai Lan walked to Shi Song and looked straight at him. "I don't agree with your way of dealing with this."

"It's been so many years. Ah Bei has been gone for almost five years now." Bai Lan's eyes were filled with tears.

"For the past five years, Shi Tu has harassed me repeatedly, but I've tolerated it. It's fine if you turn a blind eye to it because he's your precious son, but now, you want my daughter to be harassed by this beast as well?" Her voice sounded anxious and filled with anger. "I won't allow it!"

Shi Song was clearly stunned. Then, a strong sense of indignance and guilt mixed together, making him feel angry. He glared at her as he asked, "Are you questioning my methods now?"

Bai Lan was very firm as she said, "Yes, I'm questioning your methods. Your son is already 38 years old this year. He's not three years old. Not only is he disrespectful to his elder sister-in-law, but he also abuses his niece. He only knows how to do immoral things. He's a beast."

As Shi Sen listened from the side, she felt admiration for her mother.

Shi Song was furious and had to find a place to vent his anger, so he raised his hand.

"Pa!" Upon hearing the crisp slap, everyone looked over. Shi Sen shielded her mother and covered her beautiful face, which had a swollen palm print on it.

Hatred filled her eyes as she turned around and asked, "Grandpa, do you care a lot about Uncle's reputation?"

As Shi Song panicked, he heard Shi Sen say, "But what reputation does he have to speak of?"

Shi Sen stood up and ran to the window. "There's rape going on. Everyone, come quickly!"

Shi Song felt his head buzz and quickly went forward to pull Shi Sen back. He wanted to slap her hard.

But it was too late. Everyone heard Shi Sen's words.

Shi Sen knew that with the help of a few women's exaggerated recount, things would definitely be even more exciting.

"Shi Sen, get out!!!" Shi Song roared angrily.

After this day, Shi Sen and her mother broke off ties with their family. Although they lived in the same house, they stopped interacting. Shi Tu's reputation in the village was completely ruined. Everyone knew that he had tried to rape his niece. In addition, there had always been rumors that he was eyeing his sister-in-law. From this moment on, he became notorious in the village. As long as women saw him, they would hurriedly escape, for fear that he would do something to them.

Because of this, Shi Tu resented Shi Sen and his mother. He kept trying to find opportunities to ruin their reputation.

On this day, Shi Tu finally thought of a sinister idea. He immediately found his good buddy, Gao Wei.

Although the Shi family was a family of farmers, Bai Lan had enough savings to open a breakfast shop by the street. With this income, the mother and daughter could barely make ends meet.

That day, when Shi Sen woke up early in the morning, Bai Lan had already been making buns for a long time. After Shi Sen rubbed her head and stretched, she walked to Bai Lan's side and leaned on her mother's shoulder gently. "Mom."

Bai Lan smiled. "Come and help me fry the last churros. I'm going to open the shop now."

"Okay!" Shi Sen smiled as she fried the last of the fried dough sticks and placed them in the small cart. Then, the two of them left the stall with the newly made breakfast.