
Although Shi Sen didn't agree to join the national table tennis team, Liu De had a deep impression of her.

Shi Sen was pleasantly surprised by the table tennis technique she had accidentally mastered and started to believe in the achievement system that was bound to her.

After returning home, Shi Sen debugged the system interface. Looking at all the mission requirements on it, she felt annoyed.

"I probably need to continue completing missions before I can achieve anything."

Shi Sen was about to take a closer look at the mission requirements when she heard a sharp female voice in the courtyard.

"Our family has raised a heartless person!"

When Shi Sen heard the commotion in the courtyard, she walked out of the room and saw her aunt, who was about to attack her mother.

"Let go!" Shi Sen quickly took a few steps forward and stood in front of Bai Lan.

"Little bastard, who do you think you're talking to?! You have no manners at all!" Shi Yan scolded angrily.

Shi Sen wasn't afraid of her ferocious aunt at all. Instead, she approached her and shouted angrily, "Why do I need manners when talking to animals?!"

Hearing that Shi Sen dared to retort her, Shi Yan was even angrier and raised her arm to hit Shi Sen.

"Little bastard! I'll discipline you on behalf of my dead brother today!" Shi Yan charged at Shi Sen, but Bai Lan stopped her with all her might.

Unable to defeat Shi Sen and her mother, Shi Yan pushed Shi Sen, but Shi Sen dodged.


After Shi Yan fell to the ground, she cursed as she called out to Liu Cui, who was in the courtyard.

"What's going on?!" As soon as Liu Cui came, she saw her daughter sitting on the ground. After running over, she looked at Shi Sen and her mother angrily.

"Mom, you have to uphold justice for me!" When Shi Yan saw Liu Cui, she deliberately raised her voice and cried exaggeratedly, "Our family has raised two heartless people!"

As Shi Sen looked at Shi Yan, who was crying on the ground, she felt very frustrated. In her previous life, her aunt had always bullied her and her mother. Moreover, her aunt's daughter, Fang Rou, had killed her. Shi Sen couldn't forget the suffering this mother and daughter had caused them.

"In the past, at least Bai Lan sent me some buns from time to time. Now, the mother and daughter neglected our family's rice field and have gone to collect their own rice field instead!" Shi Yan cried as she complained to Liu Cui, as if she had suffered a huge grievance.

"What does your family's rice field have to do with us?!" Shi Sen couldn't stand Shi Yan's unreasonableness and looked at her with disdain.

"Listen!" Shi Yan glared at Shi Sen and said to Liu Cui, "Mom, since this little bastard hit my second brother previously, she might even hit me in the future! What did our family do to deserve such a little bastard?!"

As Liu Cui pulled Shi Yan, she reprimanded Bai Lan, "Go and collect Yan'er's rice tomorrow with Shi Sen. We're family to begin with, so don't let outsiders see our dirty laundry and see us as a joke."

"Why?!" Shi Sen rushed to Liu Cui as she asked. She couldn't stand them anymore.

"Just because you eat our family's food!" Liu Cui was also a little angry. No matter what, she wouldn't be intimidated by a little girl like Shi Sen.

Shi Sen was furious, but Bai Lan held her hand tightly.

"Alright, Shi Sen and I will collect them tomorrow. Don't argue anymore." Bai Lan was living under their roof, so she didn't want to cause trouble anymore.

"Sister-in-law, you're quite sensible." Shi Yan got up from the ground in satisfaction and patted the dirt off her butt. Before she left, she instructed Bai Lan, "Rou Rou has been craving your cooking, so steam another tray of buns for me tomorrow and send them over after collecting the rice."

"Aren't you afraid of being poisoned to death?!" Ignoring Bai Lan's attempts to stop her, Shi Sen said angrily.

"How can that be? I know you guys were wronged." Shi Yan glanced at Shi Sen and said disdainfully, "But I don't know if the police will believe you."

Shi Sen watched as Shi Yan swaggered away, her hands gripping the corner of her shirt tightly.

"Little Sen, let's go back to the house." Bai Lan could tell that Shi Sen was suppressing her anger. When she looked at Liu Cui, who had an unfriendly expression, she was afraid that Shi Sen would argue with her again.

After being pulled back to the room by Bai Lan, Shi Sen panted heavily and couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

"Mom! Are we going to be bullied by them forever?" Shi Sen looked at her fragile mother with helplessness.

Now, she was too weak to protect her mother or support a family on her own.